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Definition Preterm Labor: Labor occurring prior to the completion of 37 weeks' of gestation (228 weeks), or 196-258 days from the last menstrual period (LMP)
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Cerebral vascular Disease Definition of term: The term cerebrovascular disease designates any abnormality of the brain resulting from a pathologic process of the blood vessels. Sudden loss of neurological function is the hallmark of cerebrovascula disease. Cerebrovascular disease is the third most common cause
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病因 1.创伤 2.宫颈内口松弛 3.胎膜感染:支原体、衣原体、细菌、性交刺激 4.羊膜腔压力:双胎、羊水过多 5.头盆不称、胎位异常 6.胎膜发育不良、胶原纤维和弹性蛋白合成障碍
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Definition PROM is defined as the rupture of the chorioamniotic membrane before the onset of labor
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女性生殖系统解剖 第一节骨盆 (一)骨盆的组成 1.骨盆的骨骼 2.骨盆的关节 3.骨盆的韧带
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异常分娩 定义 影响分娩的主要因素为产力、产道、胎 儿及精神心理因素,这些因素在分娩过 程中相互影响。任何一个或一个以上因 素发生异常以及四个因素间相互不能适 应,而使分娩进展受到阻碍,称异常分 娩(dystocia),又称为难产
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General Consideration Diabetes mellitus complicating pregnancy Diabetes mellitus is diagnosed before this pregnancy Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) Carbohydrate intolerance of varying degree of severity with onset or first recognition during pregnancy
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1. Different periods of Female Neonatal period:≤4 weeks childhood: 4 weeks to age of 12 adolescence: menarche age of 12-17 sexual maturity: begain 18. maintains for 30 years Operi-menopausal period: begain 40, maintains for 10-20 years pre-menopause, menopause (last time of menorrhae post-menopause
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异常分娩的诊治要点 1产前诊断 2产时诊断 3注重病因学诊断
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Physiological Stages Neonatal period: birth---4 weeks Childhood: 4 weeks----12 years Puberty:12 years----18 years Sexual maturation: 18 year-=-50 year Perimenopause: decline of ovarian function(40 years)---1year postmenopause Postmenopause:
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