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Marine engine is an engine that propels a water-born vessel. Even in small craft the marine engine must have the following characteristics: reliability, light weight, compactness fuel economy, low maintenance, long life, relative simplicity for operating personnel, ability to reverse, and ability to operate steadily at low or cruising speed. The relative importance of these
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A naval architect asked to design a ship may receive his instructions in a form ranging from such simple requ ents as \an oil tanker to carry 100 000 tons deadweight at 15 knot nots\to a fully detailed specification of precisely planned requirements. He is usually required to prepare design for a vessel that must carry certain
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The underwater search has been made possible only by vast improvements in offshore technology. Drillers first took to the sea with land rigs mounted on barges towed to location and anchored or with fixed platforms accomp
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一、问题的提出 工程问题中,仅知道杆件中的内力大小是不够的,据此不能判断杆件是否破坏。 图示变截面杆,材料相同。全杆各截面内力相同。 P若发生破坏,在哪个截面? C 因此,仅知道横截面上的内力不能解决杆件的强度问题,还必须了解内力在截面上的分布情况(状态和集N图度)
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主要内容 第一节CI战略的起源与发展 第二节CIS战略的基本内涵 第三节CIS战略与公共关系的关系 第四节CIS战略工程 第五节CIS战略的作业要求
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一、重点: 1、磁路的基本定律; 2、铁磁材料的特性及基本磁化曲线; 3、铁心损耗 二、难点: 1、磁滞回线; 2、铁心损耗; 3、磁路的计算
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5.1感应电机的结构和运行状态 5.2三相感应电动机的磁动势和磁场 5.3三相感应电动机的电压方程和等效电路 5.4感应电动机的功率方程和转矩方程 5.5感应电动机参数的测定 5.6感应动机的转矩一转差率曲线 5.8感应电动机的工作特性
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2.1变压器的结构和额定值 2.2变压器空载运行 2.3变压器的负载运行 2.4变压器的基本方程和等效电路 2.5等效电路参数的测定 2.6三相变压器 2.7标ㄠ值 2.8变压器运行性能
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一、设计的概述 二、概要设计方法 三、设计模型 四、体系结构 五、概要设计过程 六、案例分析
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