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节肢动物门的要特征,昆虫纲的主要特征,节肢动物的分类及各类群主要特征 昆虫纲的分类,昆虫的生物学及生态学
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1)多细胞动物起源;2)腔肠动物门 个体发育和系统发育的基本概念,多细胞动物胚胎发育的一般规律,生物发生律,多细胞动物起源于单细胞动物的假说与证据,动物的进化 腔肠动物门的特征,代表性动物,分类,与人类的关系,腔肠动物的进化地位,珊瑚面临的威胁与保护
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电 泳(eletrophoresis):带电粒子在电场中的定向移动。1、提高分辨率及灵敏度。 2、简化操作,缩短电泳时间。 3、扩大应用范围。 • 各类电泳技术已广泛应用于生命科学各个领域
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Although DNA replication, repair, homologous recombination occur with high fidelity to ensure the genome identity between generations, there are genetic processes that rearrange DNA sequences and thus lead to a more dynamic genome structure Two classes of genetic recombination for DNA rearrangement: • Conservative site-specific recombination (CSSR): recombination between two defined sequence elements • Transpositional recombination (Transposition): recombination between specific sequences and nonspecific DNA sites
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(1)不离开自己的座位。(2)收起书和笔记,不可放 在桌面上。(3)只能看和写自己的试卷(4)老师宣布 停的时候,所有学生必须放下自己的笔,眼睛 向前看。 (5)老师宣布收试卷时,试卷必须快速由每排的最左 边传向右边,每排最右边的同学负责把试卷交给当堂助 教
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1. Please define the term “mutation”, and list the major types of DNA mutations and their corresponding phenotypic effects. (20 points) 2. Please define the term “DNA lesion”. Please list the three types of DNA lesions and the chemical or physical mutagens cause these lesions. (20 points)
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Q1. Prokaryotic cell E. coli consists of a single closed-circular DNA molecule of 4.6 x 106 bp long. This DNA molecule would be 1.6 mm if the double helix is relaxed. Please describe what strategies does E. coli use to pack such a long molecules into its nucleoid less than a micrometer (mm) in diameter. (20 points)
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Q1. Prokaryotic cell E. coli consists of a single closed-circular DNA molecule of 4.6 x 106 bp long. This DNA molecule would be 1.6 mm if the double helix is relaxed. Please describe what strategies does E. coli use to pack such a long molecules into its nucleoid less than a micrometer (mm) in diameter. (20 points)
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