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Planning Delivery of a completed ship by a specified date requires careful planning. Following the introduction of the critical path method of planning and control by the U. S. E. I. du Pont de Nemours Company' about 1959, new techniques were adopted in many shipyards
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A cargo shipper and the underwriter requested to insure a maritime risk requie some assurance that any particular vessel is structurally fit to undertake a proposed voyage.TO enable the shipper and underwriter to distinguish the good risk from the bad2a system of classification
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Components The strength deck, bottom, and side shell of a ship act as a box girder in resisting bending and other loads imposed on the structure. The main deck, bottom, and side shell also form a tight envelope to withstand the sea locally. The remaining structure contributes either directly to these
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一、释词45=20分 航经济方形系数变吃水首弧区长度 二,问答题:5×6=30分 1.述出口船加的设计阶段划分及冬设计阶段的主要日标 2.请写算活体钢料重量(W)的平方模数估公式,试解说其本思想及适用对象
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1、内客货船:船长L=105m,船宽=14m,水T-36m,形 数-06,水线国系数C0.75:到达某下货物重p=15% 排水量,求卸货后船的平均吃水(设在吃水变化范泪内船舷是垂 直的?
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案例之三上海海关通关业务EDI应用 中华人民共和国上海海关-Microsoft Internet Explorer 文件(E)编辑(E)查看()收藏(A)工具(I)帮助(H) 地址(D)htp:www. d)htp: //www.shcus.gov.cn/apec/index.jsp.gov.cn/apec/index.jsp 转到 中华人民共和国上保 法律法规报关单填制通关代码商品归类暂定税率船舶动态下载中心 http: //www.shcus. gov.cn 会员登录1985~1989 用户名 手工与计算机并行运行 密码 登录注册1990~1994 为会员提供服务 ①提前报关信息查询 ②退税动态查询 计算机管理但没有标准化 ③在线业务咨询 ④关企论坛 ⑤邮件订阅 1995~1999 EDP发展到EDI标准化管理
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