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在英语句子的词序方面主语在前谓语 动词在后的句子是最基本的结构。如果把 谓语动词放在主语之前,就叫做倒装结构。 这种结构可以分为全部倒装(complete inversion)和部分倒装(partial inversion)两种 前者是指整个谓语动词部分放在主语之前 后者指助动词.情态动词或系动词be等放在 主语之前
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分词是一种非谓语动词,有现在分词(由v+ing构成)和 过去分词(v+ed构成)两种。分词具有形容词和副词的特 征,在句中可作表语、定语和补足语等
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一、与现在事实相反的假设 二、与过去事实相反的假设 三、与将来事实相反的假设 四、错综时间条件句
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New Words dedicate:give, devote(one's time, energy, life, etc. to a noble cause or purpose If you dedicate yourself to something you decide to give a lot of time and effort to it because you think it is important
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iSsue: bring out(esp. sth printed and /or official) for the notice of the public发布,发行 The school issued a statement about its plans to the press The newsletter(简报) is issued three times a year The ministry of Finance has decided to issue new government
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Issac BasheYisifdes44nda1) an American short-story writer and novelist Born in poland he came to the uSA in 1935 His novels deal most with the heritage, faith, and daily lives of polish jews, particularly in the warsaw ghetto. He was awarded the nobel prize for
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Unit 1 Text A Who Is Great Text B How to Be a Leader Unit 2 Text A The Gratitude We Need Text B Why Manners Matter Unit 3 Text A How To Chang Your Point Of View ? Text B Lateral and Vertical Thinking Unit 4 Text A How to Become Gifted Text B The Truth About College Teachers Unit 5 Text A Prison Studies Text B Reading for Life Unit 6 Text A : The EQ Factor Text B : What’s Your Emotional IQ?
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Band Three Unit I Section A The Expensive Fantasy of lord williams Warm-up questions What do you know about crime? What type of crime does the main character commit in section A? We encounter crime everywhere-on TV, in our neighborhoods, in our homes, with
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Book Ii Unit 10 Section A The Bermuda Triangle Phenomenon I Warm-Up Questions: 1. Have you ever heard of the Bermuda Triangle? Do you know its location? 2. What have you heard about it? 3. According to your idea, why things disappear in that area?
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Unit 2 Sectiona Iron and the Effects of exercise arm-up Qu 1. Why do women often not have enough iron in their bodies? 2. If iron levels are low, what problems can women experience? 3. What can you eat to get enough iron in your daily meals?
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