Unit 2 Section a Iron and the effects of exercise Warm-up Questions 1. Why do women often not have enough iron in their bodies? 2. If iron levels are low, what problems can women experience? 3. What can you eat to get enough iron in your daily meals? Related Information 现代女性健美标准 社会发展到今天,无论是生产、生活还是审美,都要求现代女性应该是结实精 干、富有区别于男子的曲线美,既不失女性的妩媚,又足以担起社会责任,从体型来 说,现代女性是以“健美匀称”为标准, 除了要符合上述一般人应具备的健康标准之外,还应该具备以下标准,才能符合 现代的健美要求。 骨骼匀称、适度的骨骼应是站立时,头、颈、躯干和脚的纵轴线在一垂线上; 肩稍宽,腰椎、臀骨、腿骨发育良好,无畸形;头、躯干、四肢的比例及头、颈、胸 的联结适度;上下身比例符合“黄金分割”定律,即以肚脐为界,上下身之比为五比 八。若是身高160厘米,体重和其他各部位较理想的标准是:体重50公斤左右,肩宽 36厘米至38厘米,胸围84厘米至86厘米,腰围60厘米至62厘米,臀围86厘米至 88厘米 肌肉肌肉健美表现在富有弹性和显示出人体形态的一种协调,过胖、过瘦、 臃肿松软或肩、臂、胸部细小无力,以及由于某原因造成身体某部分肌肉过于瘦弱或 过于发达,都不能称为肌肉美。 肤色肤色能反映人的精神面貌,与人的气质有较多的联系。我们一般对肤色 美的认同标准是红润而有光泽。就全球而言,不强求以某一种肤色为标准,但以比较 细腻为好。 女性饮食补铁有误区 中南大学湘雅医学院医学博士袁小瑜 世界卫生组织的调查表明,大约有50%的女童、20%的成年女性、40%的孕妇 会发生缺铁性贫血。因为女性的生理特点决定了女性易发生贫血。但是女性在饮食方 面存在一些认识误区和行为习惯,也是导致缺铁性贫血的重要原因 误区一:肉食损害健康部分女性受媒体广告的误导,只注重植物性食品的保健功 效,导致富含铁元素的动物性食品摄入过少。实际上,动物性食物不仅含铁丰富,其 吸收率也髙,达25%。而植物性食物中的铁元素受食物中所含的植酸盐、草酸盐等的 干扰,吸收率很低,约为3%。因此,忌肉容易引起缺铁性贫血
Unit 2 Section A Iron and the Effects of Exercise Warm-up Questions 1. Why do women often not have enough iron in their bodies? 2. If iron levels are low, what problems can women experience? 3. What can you eat to get enough iron in your daily meals? Related Information 现代女性健美标准 社会发展到今天,无论是生产、生活还是审美,都要求现代女性应该是结实精 干、富有区别于男子的曲线美,既不失女性的妩媚,又足以担起社会责任,从体型来 说,现代女性是以“健美匀称”为标准。 除了要符合上述一般人应具备的健康标准之外,还应该具备以下标准,才能符合 现代的健美要求。 骨骼 匀称、适度的骨骼应是站立时,头、颈、躯干和脚的纵轴线在一垂线上; 肩稍宽,腰椎、臀骨、腿骨发育良好,无畸形;头、躯干、四肢的比例及头、颈、胸 的联结适度;上下身比例符合“黄金分割”定律,即以肚脐为界,上下身之比为五比 八。若是身高 160 厘米,体重和其他各部位较理想的标准是:体重 50 公斤左右,肩宽 36 厘米至 38 厘米,胸围 84 厘米至 86 厘米,腰围 60 厘米至 62 厘米,臀围 86 厘米至 88 厘米。 肌肉 肌肉健美表现在富有弹性和显示出人体形态的一种协调,过胖、过瘦、 臃肿松软或肩、臂、胸部细小无力,以及由于某原因造成身体某部分肌肉过于瘦弱或 过于发达,都不能称为肌肉美。 肤色 肤色能反映人的精神面貌,与人的气质有较多的联系。我们一般对肤色 美的认同标准是红润而有光泽。就全球而言,不强求以某一种肤色为标准,但以比较 细腻为好。 女性饮食补铁有误区 中南大学湘雅医学院医学博士 袁小瑜 世界卫生组织的调查表明,大约有 50%的女童、20%的成年女性、40%的孕妇 会发生缺铁性贫血。因为女性的生理特点决定了女性易发生贫血。但是女性在饮食方 面存在一些认识误区和行为习惯,也是导致缺铁性贫血的重要原因。 误区一:肉食损害健康部分女性受媒体广告的误导,只注重植物性食品的保健功 效,导致富含铁元素的动物性食品摄入过少。实际上,动物性食物不仅含铁丰富,其 吸收率也高,达 25%。而植物性食物中的铁元素受食物中所含的植酸盐、草酸盐等的 干扰,吸收率很低,约为 3%。因此,忌肉容易引起缺铁性贫血
误区二:吃鸡蛋喝牛奶营养足够牛奶的铁含量很低,且吸收率只有10%。鸡蛋中 的某些蛋白质还会抑制铁质的吸收。例如,用牛奶喂养的婴幼儿,如果忽视添加辅食, 常会引起缺铁性贫血,即“牛奶性贫血”。因此,牛奶鸡蛋虽然营养丰富,但要依赖 它们来补充铁质则不足取。 误区三:蔬菜水果无益补铁许多人不知道多吃蔬菜、水果对补铁也是有好处的。 这是因为蔬菜水果中富含维生素C、柠檬酸及苹果酸,这类有机酸可与铁形成络合物, 从而增加铁在肠道内的溶解度,有利于铁的吸收 误区四:嗜饮咖啡与茶对女性来说,过量地饮用咖啡和茶有可能导致缺铁性贫血。 这是因为茶叶中的鞣酸和咖啡中的多酚类物质可以与铁形成难以溶解的盐类,抑制铁 质吸收。因此,女性饮用咖啡和茶应该适可而止,一天1~2杯足矣。 当然,除了营养因素以外,缺铁性贫血还可能由疾病引起。例如痔疮、肿瘤、消 化道溃疡、长期服用阿司匹林等。所以,发生了贫血,要及时到医院就诊,以明确诊 断,正确治疗。 Text Structure Analysis The essay can be structurally divided into three parts Part 1: This part consists of 3 paragraphs, from Paragraph I to Paragraph 3. The central topic is hat exercise, even moderate exercise, may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women. Then three groups of people are mentioned as suffering from iron deficiency: endurance athletes, women starters of a program of moderate exercise showing evidence of iron loss and new exercisers with the normal diet showing a decrease in iron levels Part 2: This part is made up of 3 paragraphs, from Paragraph 4 to Paragraph 6. Paragraph 4 tells us that iron deficiency is very common among women and the general causes for it. Paragraph 5 deals with one specific cause: the average woman takes in only two thirds of the recommended daily allowance for iron and any additional iron loss from exercise may be enough to tip her over the edge into a more serious deficiency. Paragraph 6 deals with another specific cause: exercise can result in iron loss through a variety of mechanisms Part 3: This part is made up of 6 paragraphs, from Paragraph 7 to Paragraph 12 Paragraphs 7 and 8 tell us there are three stages of iron deficiency and that if you're stage 3, it means your iron reserves go to zero and you're in trouble. Paragraph 9 recommends one way to heck the amount of iron storage in the blood Paragraphs 10 to 12 suggest specific ways to correct iron deficiency in blood. Paragraph 10 is about adding more iron-rich foods to the diet, Paragraph ll about selecting food with"iron-added"labels, cooking food in iron pans and avoiding coffee or tea with meals and Paragraph 12 about paying attention to warning signs of iron deficiency before iron reserves are gone Word Stud 1. endurance n.忍耐(力),持久(力),耐久(性) Long distance runners need great endurance 长跑运动员需要有很大的耐力 A marathon tests a runner's endurance
误区二:吃鸡蛋喝牛奶营养足够牛奶的铁含量很低,且吸收率只有 10%。鸡蛋中 的某些蛋白质还会抑制铁质的吸收。例如,用牛奶喂养的婴幼儿,如果忽视添加辅食, 常会引起缺铁性贫血,即“牛奶性贫血”。因此,牛奶鸡蛋虽然营养丰富,但要依赖 它们来补充铁质则不足取。 误区三:蔬菜水果无益补铁许多人不知道多吃蔬菜、水果对补铁也是有好处的。 这是因为蔬菜水果中富含维生素 C、柠檬酸及苹果酸,这类有机酸可与铁形成络合物, 从而增加铁在肠道内的溶解度,有利于铁的吸收。 误区四:嗜饮咖啡与茶对女性来说,过量地饮用咖啡和茶有可能导致缺铁性贫血。 这是因为茶叶中的鞣酸和咖啡中的多酚类物质可以与铁形成难以溶解的盐类,抑制铁 质吸收。因此,女性饮用咖啡和茶应该适可而止,一天 1~2 杯足矣。 当然,除了营养因素以外,缺铁性贫血还可能由疾病引起。例如痔疮、肿瘤、消 化道溃疡、长期服用阿司匹林等。所以,发生了贫血,要及时到医院就诊,以明确诊 断,正确治疗。 Text Structure Analysis The essay can be structurally divided into three parts. Part 1: This part consists of 3 paragraphs, from Paragraph 1 to Paragraph 3. The central topic is that exercise, even moderate exercise, may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women. Then three groups of people are mentioned as suffering from iron deficiency: endurance athletes, women starters of a program of moderate exercise showing evidence of iron loss and new exercisers with the normal diet showing a decrease in iron levels. Part 2: This part is made up of 3 paragraphs, from Paragraph 4 to Paragraph 6. Paragraph 4 tells us that iron deficiency is very common among women and the general causes for it. Paragraph 5 deals with one specific cause: the average woman takes in only two thirds of the recommended daily allowance for iron and any additional iron loss from exercise may be enough to tip her over the edge into a more serious deficiency. Paragraph 6 deals with another specific cause: exercise can result in iron loss through a variety of mechanisms. Part 3: This part is made up of 6 paragraphs, from Paragraph 7 to Paragraph 12. Paragraphs 7 and 8 tell us there are three stages of iron deficiency and that if you’re stage 3, it means your iron reserves go to zero and you’re in trouble. Paragraph 9 recommends one way to check the amount of iron storage in the blood. Paragraphs 10 to 12 suggest specific ways to correct iron deficiency in blood. Paragraph 10 is about adding more iron-rich foods to the diet, Paragraph 11 about selecting food with “iron-added” labels, cooking food in iron pans and avoiding coffee or tea with meals and Paragraph 12 about paying attention to warning signs of iron deficiency before iron reserves are gone. Word Study 1. endurance n. 忍耐(力), 持久(力), 耐久(性) Long distance runners need great endurance. 长跑运动员需要有很大的耐力 A marathon tests a runner's endurance
马拉松赛可测出一个跑步运动员的耐力 beyond past] endurance 忍不住,不可耐,忍无可忍 come to the end of one's endurance 已不能再忍受,忍无可 2. moderate adj 有节制的,稳健的;温和的 中庸的;中等的;适度的普通的[美俚](人等)迟钝的 be moderate in drinking饮酒适量 moderate politicians稳健的政治家 a moderate income稳定的收入 at moderate speed中等的速度 3 evidence n.(常与for,of连用)证据:;证词 Can you show me any evidence for your statement?你能给我看你供词的证据吗? A smile gives evidence of her consent.微笑表明她同意 in evidence明显的,显而易见的 Mrs. Jones was much in evidence at the party琼斯夫人在晚会上很突出 turn Queens evidence作检举同案犯的证人(= turn King s evidence) 4 journal n(1)日志;日记(2)期刊;报刊 The doctor reads the journal of Medical Science这位医生在阅读《医学科学》杂志。 a medical journal医学杂志 a monthly journal月刊 5. consume vt,ⅵi.(1)吃,喝(2)消耗;消费:花费 lis old car consumed much gasoline.他的旧汽车耗油很多 a project that consumed most of my time and energy.耗尽我大部分时间和精力的计划 (3)毁灭;烧毁 The fire soon consumed the old wooden buildings in the neighbourhood. 大火很快就烧毁了这一带的旧木头房子。 be consumed with因.而变得憔悴,给.弄得心劳神疲 consume away消耗掉;憔悴;枯萎凋谢 Her face consumed away她的面容憔悴不堪 he flowers consumed away.花枯萎了。 6. supplement n补充(物),增补(物)书报的)补遗,补编,附录,增刊;【数】补角;补弧 Sunday supplement星期天附刊 The Times Literary S-泰晤士文学增刊[书译周刊 feed supplement饲料添加剂 petroleum supplements石油代用品 vt补充,增补 supplement ones ordinary income by writing books著书以增加正常的收入 7. bounce vi.,vt(球)跳起,弹回;(使球)弹起 The children were bouncing a bal孩子们在拍皮球 (常与 about, up, in out连用)乱蹦;乱跳;跳上跳下 She bounced the baby她让孩子跳上跳下。 Just at the moment his brother bounced into the room.就在这时他弟弟猛然冲进房来。 n.(球)跳起;弹回 The ball has plenty of bounce球的弹力很好
马拉松赛可测出一个跑步运动员的耐力 beyond [past] endurance 忍不住, 不可耐, 忍无可忍 come to the end of one's endurance 已不能再忍受, 忍无可忍 2. moderate adj. 有节制的, 稳健的; 温和的 中庸的; 中等的;适度的,普通的;[美俚](人等)迟钝的 be moderate in drinking 饮酒适量 moderate politicians 稳健的政治家 a moderate income 稳定的收入 at moderate speed 中等的速度 3.evidence n.(常与 for, of 连用)证据;证词 Can you show me any evidence for your statement?你能给我看你供词的证据吗? A smile gives evidence of her consent.微笑表明她同意。 in evidence 明显的,显而易见的 Mrs. Jones was much in evidence at the party.琼斯夫人在晚会上很突出。 turn Queen's evidence 作检举同案犯的证人 (= turn King's evidence) 4.journal n.(1)日志;日记 (2)期刊;报刊 The doctor reads the Journal of Medical Science.这位医生在阅读《医学科学》杂志。 a medical journal 医学杂志 a monthly journal 月刊 5. consume vt., vi.(1)吃,喝 (2)消耗;消费;花费 His old car consumed much gasoline.他的旧汽车耗油很多。 a project that consumed most of my time and energy.耗尽我大部分时间和精力的计划 (3)毁灭;烧毁 The fire soon consumed the old wooden buildings in the neighbourhood. 大火很快就烧毁了这一带的旧木头房子。 be consumed with 因...而变得憔悴, 给...弄得心劳神疲 consume away 消耗掉; 憔悴; 枯萎凋谢 Her face consumed away.她的面容憔悴不堪。 The flowers consumed away.花枯萎了。 6. supplement n.补充(物), 增补(物)(书报的)补遗, 补编, 附录, 增刊;【数】补角; 补弧 Sunday supplement 星期天附刊 The Times Literary S- 泰晤士文学增刊[书译周刊] feed supplement 饲料添加剂 petroleum supplements 石油代用品 vt.补充, 增补 supplement one's ordinary income by writing books 著书以增加正常的收入 7. bounce vi., vt.(球)跳起,弹回;(使球)弹起 The children were bouncing a ball.孩子们在拍皮球。 (常与 about, up, in out 连用)乱蹦;乱跳;跳上跳下 She bounced the baby.她让孩子跳上跳下。 Just at the moment his brother bounced into the room.就在这时他弟弟猛然冲进房来。 n.(球)跳起;弹回 The ball has plenty of bounce.球的弹力很好
The ball gave a high bounce球高高地弹起来。 活泼:顽皮 She has a lot of bounce她充满活力。 respectively adv.各自地,分别地 She gave beer to the man and a toy to the baby, respectively 她分别给男人啤酒,给婴儿一个玩具 I'm referring to each of you respectively.我将逐个提到你们中的每一个 9 ratio n.比,比率 direct ratio正比 The ratio of7to4 Is wrItten74or7/4.七比四写作7:4或7/4 10. restrict vt 限制,约東,限定 to restrict oneself to two cigarettes a day限制每天吸两枝香烟 be restricted within narrow limits限于狭窄的范围内 be restricted in one's movements行动受约束 be restricted by time[law受时间[法律]限制 Discussion at the meeting is restricted to the agenda这次会上的讨论只限于议程上的项目 11. liable adj.(常与to连用)易于…的,有…倾向的 It is liable to rain.要下雨。 n a depression banks are liable to fail.在经济萧条期间,银行很可能倒闭 (常与for连用)负有责任的,负责的 liable for military service有服兵役的义务 I am not liable for other people's debts我对其他人的债务不负责任 ★ Liable,apt和 likely在如下不定式结构中经常可以互换,例如 John is liable to lose John is apt to lose.和 John is likely to lose这三个词的意思是有区别的。一条公认的语 法规则认为,只有当主语受不定式所表示的动作或结果的不利影响时,才使用 liable 因此这条规则允许说如果约翰不坐直身子的话,他很容易从椅子上掉下来的,但不 允许说椅子可能很滑,尽管在规范的写作中,后一种类型的句型已经很普遍了。Apt 通常表示主语有增加某种结果的可能性的自然倾向,而且说话者对此结果多少有些忧 虑。 Likely比 liable或apt更具概括性。它并不说明增加了一个结果的可能性的主语 是否具有何特性。另外,它也没有关于说话者或主语是否喜欢某一结果的暗示。如果 位足球教练说 We are apt to win,他可能带有讽刺意味,但如果他说 We are liable to win,他的意思是他认为他们可能会输;只有说 We are likely to win,才明确表示有希 望获胜 12. allowance n(1)定量分配,给与额津贴(2)补助,零用钱 put one on an allowance of bread使某人分享定量的面包 My monthly allowance is 50 yuan我每月的津贴是50元 13. digest vt, V (1)消化 Sugar digests easily糖容易消化。 Some girls cant digest fat有些女孩子吃肥肉不消化。 This food digests well.这食物容易消化 (2)领会:领悟;融会贯通 digest everything in the book领会了书中的一切 digestive adj消化的,有助消化的
The ball gave a high bounce.球高高地弹起来。 活泼;顽皮 She has a lot of bounce.她充满活力。 8. respectively adv.各自地, 分别地 She gave beer to the man and a toy to the baby, respectively. 她分别给男人啤酒,给婴儿一个玩具。 I'm referring to each of you respectively.我将逐个提到你们中的每一个。 9. ratio n.比, 比率 direct ratio 正比 The ratio of 7 to 4 is written 7:4 or 7/4.七比四写作 7∶4 或 7/4 10.restrict vt. 限制, 约束, 限定 to restrict oneself to two cigarettes a day 限制每天吸两枝香烟 be restricted within narrow limits 限于狭窄的范围内 be restricted in one's movements 行动受约束 be restricted by time[law]受时间[法律]限制 Discussion at the meeting is restricted to the agenda.这次会上的讨论只限于议程上的项目。 11.liable adj.(常与 to 连用)易于…的,有…倾向的 It is liable to rain.要下雨。 In a depression banks are liable to fail.在经济萧条期间,银行很可能倒闭 (常与 for 连用)负有责任的,负责的 liable for military service.有服兵役的义务 I am not liable for other people's debts.我对其他人的债务不负责任。 ★ Liable,apt 和 likely 在如下不定式结构中经常可以互换,例如 John is liable to lose. John is apt to lose.和 John is likely to lose.这三个词的意思是有区别的。一条公认的语 法规则认为,只有当主语受不定式所表示的动作或结果的不利影响时,才使用 liable。 因此这条规则允许说 如果约翰不坐直身子的话,他很容易从椅子上掉下来的,但不 允许说 椅子可能很滑,尽管在规范的写作中,后一种类型的句型已经很普遍了。 Apt 通常表示主语有增加某种结果的可能性的自然倾向,而且说话者对此结果多少有些忧 虑。Likely 比 liable 或 apt 更具概括性。它并不说明增加了一个结果的可能性的主语 是否具有何特性。另外,它也没有关于说话者或主语是否喜欢某一结果的暗示。如果 一位足球教练说 We are apt to win,他可能带有讽刺意味,但如果他说 We are liable to win,他的意思是他认为他们可能会输;只有说 We are likely to win,才明确表示有希 望获胜。 12.allowance n.(1)定量分配, 给与额津贴 (2)补助, 零用钱 put one on an allowance of bread 使某人分享定量的面包 My monthly allowance is 50 yuan.我每月的津贴是 50 元。 13.digest vt., vi. (1)消化 Sugar digests easily.糖容易消化。 Some girls can't digest fat.有些女孩子吃肥肉不消化。 This food digests well.这食物容易消化。 (2)领会;领悟;融会贯通 digest everything in the book 领会了书中的一切 digestive adj.消化的, 有助消化的
digestive power消化力 digestive juice[uid消化液 14 phenomenon n.(pl. phenomena)现象 a social phenomenon社会现象 the phenomenon of nature自然现象 5. vessel n (1)器皿;容器 a pot is a vessel for holding food.锅是盛食物的器皿 (2)船;舰 here were many vessels in the harbor today.今天港口有许多船只 (3)血管,脉管 16. typical adj (1)典型的:具有代表性的;象征性的 He is a typical pupil; he is like most of the other pupils 他是一个有代表性的学生,他和大多数其他学生一样。 The typical family may remain childless and consist only of a man and a woman 普通的家庭可能不带孩子,只有一男一女 (2)(常与of连用)特有的,具有…特征的 a composition typical of the baroque period.典型的巴洛克时期的作品 typically adv代表性地,作为特色地 l7 fatigue n疲乏,疲劳,累活,[军]杂役 pale with fatigue疲惫的苍白 the fatigue of a long hike.一次长途跋涉的劳累 A molecule is made up of atoms.分子由原子组成。 19.calculate vt..v (1)计算;估计:推算 Our price has already been closely calculated. There is no room for reduction 我们的价格是经过精密计算的,无让步余地。 I calculate that aunt Lena will arrive at8o0pm.我估计李娜阿姨将于下午八点到达。 (2)计划;安排,打算 The room is not calculated for such use这房间不是打算做这种用途的。 (3)指望,依靠 We cannot calculate on his help我们不能指望他的帮助。 ★ calculate compute estimate都含“计算”的意思。 calculate指“通过计算或运算以解决疑难的题目或问题”,如: calculate the velocity of light 计算光的速度。 compute指“简单的数学计算”,如 compute the volume of a cylinder计算汽缸的容积。 estimate指根据经验、知识或判断作出估计、估算,含有“近似、概略”之意,如 estimate the cost of building a house估算造一座房子的费用。 20 ufficient adi足够的,充分的 be sufficient for sb.' s needs足够满足某人的需要 Not sufficient!款不足(略N/S)。 The pension is not sufficient for living expenses 这年金不够应付生活费用 21 compound n(1)复合物;复合剂,混合物(2)【语】复合词:【化】化合物
digestive power 消化力 digestive juice [fluid]消化液 14.phenomenon n. (pl. phenomena) 现象 a social phenomenon 社会现象 the phenomenon of nature 自然现象 15.vessel n. (1)器皿;容器 A pot is a vessel for holding food.锅是盛食物的器皿。 (2)船;舰 There were many vessels in the harbor today.今天港口有许多船只。 (3)血管,脉管 16.typical adj. (1)典型的;具有代表性的;象征性的 He is a typical pupil; he is like most of the other pupils. 他是一个有代表性的学生,他和大多数其他学生一样。 The typical family may remain childless and consist only of a man and a woman. 普通的家庭可能不带孩子,只有一男一女。 (2)(常与 of 连用)特有的,具有…特征的 a composition typical of the baroque period.典型的巴洛克时期的作品 typically adv.代表性地, 作为特色地 17.fatigue n.疲乏, 疲劳, 累活, [军]杂役 pale with fatigue 疲惫的苍白 the fatigue of a long hike.一次长途跋涉的劳累 18.molecule n.分子 A molecule is made up of atoms.分子由原子组成。 19.calculate vt., vi. (1)计算;估计;推算 Our price has already been closely calculated. There is no room for reduction. 我们的价格是经过精密计算的,无让步余地。 I calculate that Aunt Lena will arrive at 8.00 p.m.我估计李娜阿姨将于下午八点到达。 (2)计划;安排,打算 The room is not calculated for such use.这房间不是打算做这种用途的。 (3)指望,依靠 We cannot calculate on his help.我们不能指望他的帮助。 ★calculate compute estimate 都含“计算”的意思。 calculate 指“通过计算或运算以解决疑难的题目或问题 ”, 如:calculate the velocity of light 计算光的速度。 compute 指“简单的数学计算”, 如:compute the volume of a cylinder 计算汽缸的容积。 estimate 指根据经验、知识或判断作出估计、估算, 含有“近似、概略”之意, 如: estimate the cost of building a house 估算造一座房子的费用。 20.sufficient adj.足够的, 充分的 be sufficient for sb.'s needs 足够满足某人的需要 Not sufficient !存款不足(略 N/S)。 The pension is not sufficient for living expenses. 这年金不够应付生活费用。 21.compound n.(1)复合物; 复合剂, 混合物 (2)【语】复合词;【化】化合物
Many words are compounds许多词是复合词 Water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen.水是氢和氧的化合物。 (1)指示;指出 A signpost indicated the right road for us to follow:路标指给我们应走的路 A signpost indicated the right road for us to follow.一个路标给我们指出应走的路。 (2)表明;显示;,象征;暗示 Fever indicates sickness身体发烧表明有病。 In this map, the towns are indicated by a red dot.在这张地图上,城镇是用小红点标的。 23 storage n(1)贮藏,保管(2)栈房,仓库(3)蓄电(瓶) place the goods in storage把货物贮藏起来 a locker storage密闭仓 storage battery蓄电池(组) cold storage冷藏,冷藏库;搁置,贮藏 24 advisable adj适当的;明智的;可取的 It is advisable to leave now.你最好现在离开 It is not advisable just to sit there brooding about the unpleasant bygones 老是坐在那里闷闷不乐地想着过去那些不愉快的事情并不好 2 yearly adi每年的,年年的,每年一次的 We pay a yearly visit to my uncle.我们每年都要看望我的叔叔。 The yearly output pf the portable computers in the factory approximates to 50,000 该工厂的袖珍计算机年产量约为五万台 As usual, the yearly audit will take place in December 跟往常一样,年度审计将在十二月份进行 26 physician n医,(内科)医生;[美](一般)医师;[口]医学博士 consult a physician请医生看病 a house [resident] physician内科住院医生 the physician in charge主治医师 a visiting physician出诊医生 I have had myself carefully examined by physicians.我已请医生给我仔细检查过了。 He is under the care of a physician.他正接受一位内科医生的治疗。 27 modifyⅵt:(1)变更,修改(2)缓和,减轻;调节,限制 modify one's demands降低要求 modify the terms of a contract修正合同条款 You'd better modify your tone.你最好说得婉转一点。 The equipment may be modified to produce VCD sets 这设备可以经过改装用来生产光碟机 28 undo vt(1)解开:打开;松开 She undid the string round the parcel.她解开了绕在包裹上的绳子。 His buttons were undone.他的钮扣被解开了 (2)取消,废除(3)破坏,毁坏 In 5 minutes he undid my whole day's work他五分钟就把我花一整天做成的事给毁坏 His pride will undo him some day.他的傲慢总有一天会毁了他 What is done cannot be undone.[谚]覆水难收(事已定局,无可挽回) 29 derive vt(1)获得,导出(from)(2)起源于,出自 derive itself from由而来,源出 derive knowledge from books从书中获得知识 Many English words are derived from Latin.许多英语词汇源于拉丁文 30 interfere vi(1)(常与in连用)干涉,干预
Many words are compounds.许多词是复合词。 Water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen.水是氢和氧的化合物。 22.indicate vt. (1)指示; 指出 A signpost indicated the right road for us to follow.路标指给我们应走的路。 A signpost indicated the right road for us to follow.一个路标给我们指出应走的路。 (2)表明; 显示; 象征; 暗示 Fever indicates sickness.身体发烧表明有病。 In this map, the towns are indicated by a red dot.在这张地图上,城镇是用小红点标的。 23.storage n(1)贮藏, 保管(2)栈房, 仓库(3)蓄电(瓶) place the goods in storage 把货物贮藏起来 a locker storage 密闭仓 storage battery 蓄电池(组) cold storage 冷藏; 冷藏库; 搁置, 贮藏 24.advisable adj.适当的;明智的;可取的 It is advisable to leave now. 你最好现在离开。 It is not advisable just to sit there brooding about the unpleasant bygones. 老是坐在那里闷闷不乐地想着过去那些不愉快的事情并不好。 25.yearly adj.每年的,年年的,每年一次的 We pay a yearly visit to my uncle. 我们每年都要看望我的叔叔。 The yearly output pf the portable computers in the factory approximates to 50,000. 该工厂的袖珍计算机年产量约为五万台。 As usual, the yearly audit will take place in December. 跟往常一样,年度审计将在十二月份进行。 26.physician n.医, (内科)医生; [美](一般)医师; [口]医学博士 consult a physician 请医生看病 a house [resident] physician 内科住院医生 the physician in charge 主治医师 a visiting physician 出诊医生 I have had myself carefully examined by physicians. 我已请医生给我仔细检查过了。 He is under the care of a physician. 他正接受一位内科医生的治疗。 27.modify vt.(1)变更, 修改(2)缓和, 减轻; 调节; 限制 modify one's demands 降低要求 modify the terms of a contract 修正合同条款 You'd better modify your tone. 你最好说得婉转一点。 The equipment may be modified to produce VCD sets. 这设备可以经过改装用来生产光碟机。 28.undo vt.(1)解开;打开;松开 She undid the string round the parcel. 她解开了绕在包裹上的绳子。 His buttons were undone. 他的钮扣被解开了。 (2)取消,废除 (3)破坏,毁坏 In 5 minutes he undid my whole day's work.他五分钟就把我花一整天做成的事给毁坏了。 His pride will undo him some day. 他的傲慢总有一天会毁了他。 What is done cannot be undone. [谚]覆水难收(事已定局, 无可挽回)。 29.derive vt.(1)获得, 导出(from) (2)起源于, 出自 derive itself from 由...而来, 源出 derive knowledge from books 从书中获得知识 Many English words are derived from Latin. 许多英语词汇源于拉丁文。 30.interfere vi.(1)(常与 in 连用)干涉,干预
interfere in sb. s private affairs干涉某人的私事 I was playing with Jane, but Anne interfered and spoiled the game 我正在和珍妮玩,可是安妮插了进来,把游戏给打乱了 (2)(常与with连用)瞎弄,乱弄:干扰 I don't want to interfere with your, proceed with your work."我不想打扰你了,你继续工作吧。 Don't interfere with him. He's preparing for the final exams "他在为期末考试作准备,不要打扰他。" Come on Sunday if nothing interferes.如果没有别的事相扰,就请星期天来吧。 3 1. remedy n药物,治疗法,补救,赔偿 Warmth is the best remedy for colds.热疗是治感冒的最好方法。 evils that are beyond remedy无可救药的罪过 Your only remedy is to go to law.你唯一的补救法是诉诸法律, ⅵt治疗,补救,矫正,修缮,修补 remedy a mistake纠正一个错误 remedy an evil根除一种恶行 Phrases and expressions Lead to have(sth) as the result导致 This led to great confusion.此事导致大的混乱。 I am led to believe that he is disloyal to us.某些事实使我相信他对我们不忠。 We now know that prolonged sunbathing can lead to skin cancer.如今我们知道过长时间的享 受日光浴会导致皮肤癌。 2. bounce back start feeling better or stronger after experiencing problems or unhappiness 恢复正常,恢复过来 We lost two or three games in the World Cup, but we bounced back.在世界杯比赛中我们先 输了几场,但后来又赢回来了 He is young enough to bounce back from this disappointment.他很年轻,能够从这次挫折中 恢复过来 3 in general mostly; usually大体上;通常 In general, I prefer red wine to white wine.通常,我喜欢红葡萄酒胜过白葡萄酒 Do you think it' true that people in general are against the project?你认为人们都普遍反对这 个计划吗? 的作品一向很好,但是这篇文 章糟透了。 4 up to as a maximum number or amount至多,多达,直到 I can take up to four people in my car.我的车能带四个人 p to two hundred people were on board the ship.多达两百人乘上了这轮船。 Every one works, from the boy who sweeps the floor up to the President.每个人都工作,下至 扫地的男孩上到总统。 Compare: Every one works, from the President down to the boy who sweeps the floor. 1 人都工作,上至总统下到扫地的男孩 5 take in absorb into the body by breathing or swallowing吸入,吞入 The wounded soldier was so weak that he could hardly take in even liquid.这名受伤的士兵身 体太弱,甚至不能喝流体食物 The boat is taking in water.那只船进水了 It's good to stand on top of the hill and take in deep breaths of fresh air.站在山顶上,深吸几
interfere in sb.'s private affairs 干涉某人的私事 I was playing with Jane, but Anne interfered and spoiled the game. 我正在和珍妮玩,可是安妮插了进来,把游戏给打乱了。 (2)(常与 with 连用)瞎弄,乱弄;干扰 I don't want to interfere with you; proceed with your work. "我不想打扰你了,你继续工作吧。" Don't interfere with him. He's preparing for the final exams. "他在为期末考试作准备,不要打扰他。" Come on Sunday if nothing interferes.如果没有别的事相扰, 就请星期天来吧。 31.remedy n.药物, 治疗法, 补救, 赔偿 Warmth is the best remedy for colds. 热疗是治感冒的最好方法。 evils that are beyond remedy 无可救药的罪过 Your only remedy is to go to law. 你唯一的补救法是诉诸法律。 vt.治疗, 补救, 矫正, 修缮, 修补 remedy a mistake 纠正一个错误 remedy an evil 根除一种恶行 Phrases and Expressions 1.lead to have (sth.) as the result 导致 This led to great confusion. 此事导致大的混乱。 I am led to believe that he is disloyal to us. 某些事实使我相信他对我们不忠。 We now know that prolonged sunbathing can lead to skin cancer. 如今我们知道过长时间的享 受日光浴会导致皮肤癌。 2.bounce back start feeling better or stronger after experiencing problems or unhappiness 恢复正常,恢复过来 We lost two or three games in the World Cup, but we bounced back. 在世界杯比赛中我们先 输了几场,但后来又赢回来了。 He is young enough to bounce back from this disappointment. 他很年轻,能够从这次挫折中 恢复过来。 3.in general mostly; usually 大体上;通常 In general, I prefer red wine to white wine. 通常,我喜欢红葡萄酒胜过白葡萄酒。 Do you think it’s true that people in general are against the project? 你认为人们都普遍反对这 个计划吗? In general, her work has been good, but this essay is awful. 她的作品一向很好,但是这篇文 章糟透了。 4.up to as a maximum number or amount 至多,多达,直到 I can take up to four people in my car. 我的车能带四个人。 Up to two hundred people were on board the ship. 多达两百人乘上了这轮船。 Every one works, from the boy who sweeps the floor up to the President. 每个人都工作,下至 扫地的男孩上到总统。 Compare: Every one works, from the President down to the boy who sweeps the floor. 每个 人都工作,上至总统下到扫地的男孩。 5.take in absorb into the body by breathing or swallowing 吸入,吞入 The wounded soldier was so weak that he could hardly take in even liquid. 这名受伤的士兵身 体太弱,甚至不能喝流体食物。 The boat is taking in water. 那只船进水了。 It’s good to stand on top of the hill and take in deep breaths of fresh air. 站在山顶上,深吸几
口新鲜空气是有益的 6 at risk in danger处于危险之中 Is the Government' s income polic- y seriously at risk?政府的税收政策可能遭到严重失败吗? The disease is spreading, and all children under five are at risk.疾病在蔓延,5岁以下的孩子 都有被传染的危险。 Upto2,000 obs are still at risk.仍有失业危险的人多达2000 7. tip over the edge bring about a noticeable change; (cause to) develop into another status 引起显著变化;(使)进入另一种状态 Because of not being able to cope with everyday life they were tipped over the edge into breakdown因为不能应付日常生活,他们处于崩溃的边缘。 Exercising too much with no iron supplements will tip one over the edge into a more serious deficiency锻炼太多而未服铁质补剂,可能改变人体的含铁量,使之处于严重缺铁状态 8 out of breath breathing very quickly(eg. after running)呼吸急促,气喘吁吁 At the end of the race the winner was out of breath获胜者跑到终点时已经上气不接下气了 When he finally got on the train, he was out of breath在他最后登上火车时,他已经是气喘吁 吁了 I' d just been for a run and I was rather out of breath我刚跑完步,上气不接下气 9.thro be sick h as food)恶心,呕吐 The child has thrown up her dinner again!这孩子又把她吃的晚饭吐了 of the trial.她说她读了关于审判的报道后感 到恶心 10. go up become higher in price, level. etc.;rise(价格、水平等)升高,上升 The temperature is going up, will the snow melt?温度在升高,雪会融化吗? The standard of performance has gone up since last year, as the players have gained more experlence.由于演员更有经验了,所以自去年以来表演水平提高了。 My weight keeps going up although I try not to eat too much.虽然我尽量不多吃,我的体重 还是越来越重 l1.sum up summarize briefly概括,总结 You have only00 words in which to sum up his speech你总结他的讲话不能超过100个字。 I can best sum up the advantages of the system by describing some recent encouraging results 通过描述最近取得的令人鼓舞的成果,我能很好地概括该系统的长处。 These ten books sum up this years production.这10本书概括了今年的全部成果 Language points 1. that endurance athletes, particularly females, frequently have iron deficiencies.(Para Meaning: . that athletes such as long distance runners, especially women athletes, often display a lack of iron 2. Now a new study by a team of Purdue University researchers(Para. 1) Meaning: Now a new study conducted by a team of researchers from Purdue University 3. suggests that even moderate exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women (Para. 1) Meaning:.suggests that even exercise of a mild type may cause a loss of iron in the blood of 4. We found that women who were normally inactive and then started a program of
口新鲜空气是有益的。 6.at risk in danger 处于危险之中 Is the Government’s income policy seriously at risk?政府的税收政策可能遭到严重失败吗? The disease is spreading, and all children under five are at risk. 疾病在蔓延,5 岁以下的孩子 都有被传染的危险。 Up to 2,000 jobs are still at risk. 仍有失业危险的人多达 2,000。 7.tip over the edge bring about a noticeable change; (cause to) develop into another status 引起显著变化;(使)进入另一种状态 Because of not being able to cope with everyday life they were tipped over the edge into breakdown.因为不能应付日常生活,他们处于崩溃的边缘。 Exercising too much with no iron supplements will tip one over the edge into a more serious deficiency.锻炼太多而未服铁质补剂,可能改变人体的含铁量,使之处于严重缺铁状态。 8.out of breath breathing very quickly (e.g. after running) 呼吸急促,气喘吁吁 At the end of the race the winner was out of breath.获胜者跑到终点时已经上气不接下气了。 When he finally got on the train, he was out of breath.在他最后登上火车时,他已经是气喘吁 吁了。 I’d just been for a run and I was rather out of breath.我刚跑完步,上气不接下气。 9.throw up be sick; vomit (sth. such as food) 恶心,呕吐 The child has thrown up her dinner again! 这孩子又把她吃的晚饭吐了。 She said she had thrown up after reading reports of the trial. 她说她读了关于审判的报道后感 到恶心。 10.go up become higher in price, level, etc.; rise (价格、水平等)升高,上升 The temperature is going up; will the snow melt? 温度在升高,雪会融化吗? The standard of performance has gone up since last year, as the players have gained more experience. 由于演员更有经验了,所以自去年以来表演水平提高了。 My weight keeps going up although I try not to eat too much. 虽然我尽量不多吃,我的体重 还是越来越重。 11.sum up summarize briefly 概括,总结 You have only 100 words in which to sum up his speech..你总结他的讲话不能超过 100 个字。 I can best sum up the advantages of the system by describing some recent encouraging results. 通过描述最近取得的令人鼓舞的成果,我能很好地概括该系统的长处。 These ten books sum up this year’s production. 这 10 本书概括了今年的全部成果。 Language Points 1. …that endurance athletes, particularly females, frequently have iron deficiencies. (Para. 1) Meaning: …that athletes such as long distance runners, especially women athletes, often display a lack of iron. 2. Now a new study by a team of Purdue University researchers… (Para. 1) Meaning: Now a new study conducted by a team of researchers from Purdue University… 3. …suggests that even moderate exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women. (Para. 1) Meaning: …suggests that even exercise of a mild type may cause a loss of iron in the blood of women. 4. We found that women who were normally inactive and then started a program of
derate exercise showed evidence of iron loss, ".(Para. 2) Meaning: We found that women who were not in the habit of doing physical exercises but then suddenly began a program of exercise of middle degree showed signs of iron loss, 5. Women who consumed additional meat or took iron supplements were able to bounce Meaning: Women who ate more meat than they usually did or took iron-added pills were able to return to their normal, heal thy state 6. But the new exercisers who followed their normal diet showed a decrease in iron levels (Para. 3) Meaning: But those women who began a program of exercise but went on with their diet as usual showed a decrease in iron levels 7. affecting one in four female teenagers and one in five women aged 18 to 45, respectively. Meaning: .affecting one out of four female teenagers and (also affecting) one out of five women Please note that respectively" modifies "one in four female teenagers and one in five women d 1 8 to 45 8. But the ratio is even greater among active women, affecting up to 80 percent of female durance athletes. (F Meaning: But the figure is even greater among women who do exercises regularly, affecting as many as 80 percent of female endurance athletes 9.…“ too many women ignore the amount of iron they take in”.(Para.4) Meaning:.."too many women don't pay attention to how much iron they consume in food or drink” 10. Women of child-bearing age are at greatest risk, since their monthly bleeding is a major source of iron loss.(Para. 4) Meaning: Women who are at the age of bearing children are put in greater danger of losing iron owing to their monthly bleeding 11. Plus, many health-conscious women increase their risk by rejecting red meat, (Para Meaning: In addition, many women who care much about their health refuse to eat red meat such as beef and mutton and thus increase the danger of losing iron As is pointed out and going to be further discussed, women generally suffer from iron deficiency, which is harmful to health. Now these women choose to give up red meat in their diet, so the lack of iron in their bodies is even greater, hence the increased risk 12. And because women often restrict their diet in an effort to control weight, they may not consume enough iron-rich food, and are liable to experience a deficiency. (Para. 4) Meaning: And because women often limit their food, trying to control weight they may not eat enough food containing much iron, and therefore are likely to have less iron than necessary 13. The average woman takes in only two thirds of the recommended daily allowance for iron,“(Para.5) Meaning: The average woman eats every day only two thirds of the necessary iron that health Based on investigation, health experts can decide how much iron a woman should take in every
moderate exercise showed evidence of iron loss, … (Para. 2) Meaning: We found that women who were not in the habit of doing physical exercises but then suddenly began a program of exercise of middle degree showed signs of iron loss, … 5. Women who consumed additional meat or took iron supplements were able to bounce back,… (Para. 3) Meaning: Women who ate more meat than they usually did or took iron-added pills were able to return to their normal, healthy state,… 6. But the new exercisers who followed their normal diet showed a decrease in iron levels. (Para. 3) Meaning: But those women who began a program of exercise but went on with their diet as usual showed a decrease in iron levels. 7. …affecting one in four female teenagers and one in five women aged 18 to 45, respectively. (Para. 4) Meaning: …affecting one out of four female teenagers and (also affecting) one out of five women who are aged from 18 to 45. Please note that “respectively” modifies “one in four female teenagers and one in five women aged 18 to 45”. 8. But the ratio is even greater among active women, affecting up to 80 percent of female endurance athletes. (Para. 4) Meaning: But the figure is even greater among women who do exercises regularly, affecting as many as 80 percent of female endurance athletes. 9. …“too many women ignore the amount of iron they take in”. (Para. 4) Meaning: … “too many women don't pay attention to how much iron they consume in food or drink”. 10. Women of child-bearing age are at greatest risk, since their monthly bleeding is a major source of iron loss. (Para. 4) Meaning: Women who are at the age of bearing children are put in greater danger of losing iron owing to their monthly bleeding. 11. Plus, many health-conscious women increase their risk by rejecting red meat, … (Para. 4) Meaning: In addition, many women who care much about their health refuse to eat red meat such as beef and mutton and thus increase the danger of losing iron … As is pointed out and going to be further discussed, women generally suffer from iron deficiency, which is harmful to health. Now these women choose to give up red meat in their diet, so the lack of iron in their bodies is even greater, hence the increased risk. 12. And because women often restrict their diet in an effort to control weight, they may not consume enough iron-rich food, and are liable to experience a deficiency. (Para. 4) Meaning: And because women often limit their food, trying to control weight, they may not eat enough food containing much iron, and therefore are likely to have less iron than necessary. 13. The average woman takes in only two thirds of the recommended daily allowance for iron, … (Para. 5) Meaning: The average woman eats every day only two thirds of the necessary iron that health experts recommend, … Based on investigation, health experts can decide how much iron a woman should take in every
day in order to keep fit. The fact is that many women do not take in the recommended amount, which puts them at the risk of iron defi 14. For a woman who already has a poor iron status, any additional iron loss from exercise may be enough to tip her over the edge into a more serious deficiency, Meaning: If a woman who already has less iron than necessary starts a program of exercise that causes more loss of iron, then her iron status will change greatly and shell be put in a more serious state of iron deficiency 15. Exercise can result in iron loss through a variety of mechanisms. (Para. 6) Meaning: Exercise can lead to iron loss because of the various functions of the body 16. Some iron is lost in sweat, and, for unknown reasons, intense endurance exercise is sometimes associated with bleeding of the digestive system.(Para. 6) Meaning: Some iron is lost when one sweats, and for the reasons unknown to us, intense endurance exercise may sometimes result in bleeding of the digestive system 17. The first and most common is having low iron reserves, a condition that typically has no symptoms. (Para. 7) Meaning: The first stage of iron deficiency- which is also the most common- is one which one doesn't have much iron stored in the body. And during this stage there are usually no signs of iron deficiency. Note that "a condition that serves as an appositive, generalizing the preceding clause 18. Fatigue and poor performance may begin to appear in the second stage of deficiency, when not enough iron is present to form the molecules of blood protein that transport ng mus Meaning: In the second stage of deficiency when there is no enough iron to form the molecules of blood protein that transport oxygen to the working muscles, one may begin to feel very tired and unable to do their activities properly 19. and exercise performance is severely compromised.(Para. 7) Meaning:.and exercise performance is badly affected.( One does his exercise badly. 20. You're not stage 3 until your iron reserves go to zero, and if you wait until that point, you're in trouble. (Para. 8) Meaning: If you are in stage 3, that means you have no iron left in your body at all, and if you don't do anything to improve your iron stores until then, you are in trouble that point: ( here referring to) the status of iron reserves going to zero 21. You're not stage 3 until your iron reserves go to zero.(Para. 8) go to zero: be used up; be exhausted 22. While active, child-bearing age women are most likely to.(Para. 9) Meaning: While child-bearing age women who regularly do physical exercises are most likely Here“ active” means“ doing physical exercises regularly 23. Men are not safe, especially if they don't eat meat and have a high level of physical activity.(Para. 9) Meaning: Men may also suffer from iron deficiency, especially if they don't take in meat while engaging themselves in lots of physical activities 24. it's advisable for people in these groups to have a yearly blood test to check blood iron reserves.(Para. 9)
day in order to keep fit. The fact is that many women do not take in the recommended amount, which puts them at the risk of iron deficiency. 14. For a woman who already has a poor iron status, any additional iron loss from exercise may be enough to tip her over the edge into a more serious deficiency, … (Para. 5) Meaning: If a woman who already has less iron than necessary starts a program of exercise that causes more loss of iron, then her iron status will change greatly and she'll be put in a more serious state of iron deficiency, … 15. Exercise can result in iron loss through a variety of mechanisms. (Para. 6) Meaning: Exercise can lead to iron loss because of the various functions of the body. 16. Some iron is lost in sweat, and, for unknown reasons, intense endurance exercise is sometimes associated with bleeding of the digestive system. (Para. 6) Meaning: Some iron is lost when one sweats, and for the reasons unknown to us, intense endurance exercise may sometimes result in bleeding of the digestive system. 17. The first and most common is having low iron reserves, a condition that typically has no symptoms. (Para. 7) Meaning: The first stage of iron deficiency — which is also the most common — is one in which one doesn't have much iron stored in the body. And during this stage there are usually no signs of iron deficiency. Note that “a condition that…” serves as an appositive, generalizing the preceding clause. 18. Fatigue and poor performance may begin to appear in the second stage of deficiency, when not enough iron is present to form the molecules of blood protein that transport oxygen to the working muscles. (Para. 7) Meaning: In the second stage of deficiency when there is no enough iron to form the molecules of blood protein that transport oxygen to the working muscles, one may begin to feel very tired and unable to do their activities properly. 19. …and exercise performance is severely compromised. (Para. 7) Meaning: …and exercise performance is badly affected.(One does his exercise badly.) 20. You're not stage 3 until your iron reserves go to zero, and if you wait until that point, you're in trouble. (Para. 8) Meaning: If you are in stage 3, that means you have no iron left in your body at all, and if you don't do anything to improve your iron stores until then, you are in trouble. that point: (here referring to) the status of iron reserves going to zero 21. You're not stage 3 until your iron reserves go to zero… (Para. 8) go to zero: be used up; be exhausted 22. While active, child-bearing age women are most likely to… (Para. 9) Meaning: While child-bearing age women who regularly do physical exercises are most likely to … Here “active” means “doing physical exercises regularly”. 23. Men are not safe, especially if they don't eat meat and have a high level of physical activity. (Para. 9) Meaning: Men may also suffer from iron deficiency, especially if they don't take in meat while engaging themselves in lots of physical activities. 24. …it's advisable for people in these groups to have a yearly blood test to check blood iron reserves. (Para. 9)