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醛、酮和醌的分子结构中都含有羰基(图.11.1), 总称为羰基化合物。羰基至少和一个氢原子结合的化 合物叫醛(-CHO又叫醛基,图11.2),羰基和两个烃基 结合的化合物叫酮。醌是一类不饱和环二酮,在分子 中含有两个双键和两个羰基。例如,图11.3 羰基是醛、酮的官能团
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物理量仅是时间的函数一常微分方程 普遍性、共性 物理量仅是时间和空间的函数一偏微分方程 必须考虑对象所处的“环境”—边界条件 求解具体问题 必须考虑对象所处的“历史”初始条件 边界条件和初始条件反应了具体问题的特定环境和历史,即问题 的特殊性、个性.在数学上,边界条件和初始条件合称定解条件 物理问题的共性一物理规律的数学表示:数学建模,通俗地讲, 就是把物理规律用数学语言“翻译”出,体现为物理量在时空中的变 化关系.这种关系通常是偏微分方程
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一、饮食的质量 二、饮食的烹调 三、宜清淡
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1将平面图摆放于图板上,找到合适的 视距和视高定出视点以及画面PP线的位置 。 2做出视平线HH线和地面基线GG线, 找出视点的透视心点SO的位置,用连 接视线的方法做平面图上所求点的透视
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The financial privacy law passed by Congress in 1999 has been the target of scathing criticism. On one side, banks and other financial institutions have complained about the high costs of the billions of notices sent to consumers, apparently to widespread consumer indifference. On the other side, privacy
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The foundational White Paper\Copyright and Digital Media in a Post-Napster World, by the Berkman Center for Internet Society and GartnerG2, explores a variety of issues surrounding the current digital media ecosystem. The White Paper examines
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We might distinguish between two types of constitutional re- gimes, one codifying, the other transformative. A codifying consti- tutional regime aims at preserving something essential from the then- current constitutional or legal culture to protect it against change in the future; a transformative constitutional regime aims at changing g something essential in the then-current constitutional or legal cul- ture to make it different in the future. The picture of the codifying
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1. Introduction This section discusses the legal protection of information and the security issues of computer data and electronic information systems and is organised into four parts: First, it focuses briefly on the basic conceptual distinction between information and data, providing a basis of understanding of the primary object of legal and technical means of protection. Second, access to Government information will be discussed
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The Honourable Lord Reed(1) Readers are reminded that this work is protected by copyright While they are free to use the ideas expressed in it, they may not copy, distribute or publish the work or part of it, in any form, printed electronic or otherwise, except for reasonable quoting clearly indicating the source. Readers are
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