Definitions Seizure(发作): sudden attack, spasm,or convulsion, as in epilepsy or another disorder Epileptic seizure(癫痫样发作): transient episode of abnormal and excessive neuronal activity in the brain that is apparent either to the subject or an observer
基本内容: 附植、分娩机理,妊娠的识别和建立;胎膜和胎盘的作用;妊娠的维持和妊娠母畜的生理变化;妊娠诊断分娩预兆;决定分娩过程的因素;分娩过程;助产;产后期及产后护理。 基本要求: 1、了解胎膜和胎盘的分类、作用;分娩预兆、分娩的特点; 2、掌握孕畜的生理变化;正常分娩的助产、难产及其预防、妊娠诊断的基本方法以及产后护理。 第一节 妊娠识别与胚泡附植 Section 1 Maternal recognition and implantation 第二节 胎膜和胎盘 Section 2 Placenta and embryonic membranes 第三节 妊娠期母体的变化及妊娠诊断 Section3 Maternal physiological changes during pregnancy and pregnancy diagnosis 第四节 分娩 Section 4 Parturition or Labour 第五节 助产及产后护理 Section 5 Artificial interference in normal parturition and nurse of female and newborn