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1 Physics as Natural Philosophy Physics is one of the liberal arts, combining elements of reason, philosophy, mathematics, language, and rhetoric. The term natural philosophy reflects the creative and dynamic interplay that exists in physics among experiment, theory, logic, insight, inspiration, symmetry, beauty, and language
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9-2电容电容器 一、孤立导体的电容
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成都理工大学:《大学物理》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第九章 静电场中的导体和电介(教学要求)
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新泽西州立罗格斯大学:The Strange Link between Incompressibility and Complexity
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8—6电势能 一 静电场力所做的功
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电子工业出版社:《LabVIEW大学实用教程》参考书籍(PDF电子版)LabVIEW大学实用教程(第三版,[美] Jeffrey Travis、Jim Kring)LabVIEW for Everyone:Graphical Programming Made Easy and Fun, Third Edition
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一 熵与无序 热力学第二定律的实质:自然界一切与热现象 有关的实际宏观过程都是不可逆的
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第十章静电场与实物的相互作用 10.1静电场中的导体 10.2静电场中的电介质
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