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1、了解脊柱与脊髓损伤的类型及形态学改变。 2、掌握各类肋骨骨折的分类、形态学改变及法医学意义
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This is a multisystem disease and an acute, often recurrent, inflammatory disease principally of children that generally follows a pharyngeal(but not skin) infection with group A beta-hemolytic streptococci
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Neoplasia Cause of death: No. 1 Cardiovascular diseases No. 2 Cancers
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第一节 再生 regeneration 第二节 纤维性修复 第三节 创伤愈合 wound healing
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第一节 炎症概述 第二节 急性炎症 第三节 慢性性炎症
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第一节 充血和淤血 Hyperemia and congestion 第二节 出血 hemorrhage 第三节 血栓形成 thrombosis 第四节 栓塞 embolism 第五节 梗死 infarction
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第一节 细胞与组织的适应(adaptation) 第二节 组织和细胞的损伤 第三节 凋亡 apoptosis 第四节 细胞老化 Cellular aging
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FATTY CHANGE Excessive entry of free fatty acids into the liver (starvation, corticosteroid therapy). Enhanced fatty acid synthesis. Decreased fatty acid oxidation. Increased esterification of fatty acid to triglycerides (alcohol). Decreased apoprotein synthesis (CCl). Impaired lipoprotein secretion from the liver (alcohol)
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