Handout 7: Lag and PI compensation Eric Feron Lag Compensation goals: Raise gain at low frequencies while leaving rossover &z higher frequencies untouched b≥0. When b=0: Add an integrator in the loop Typical lag Bode Plot
Handout 8: Lead compensation Eric Feron March 3, 2004 Lead Compensation goals: Raise phase (and gain) at high frequen- cies while not touching low-frequency system's characteristics: Can extend bandwidth of system Canonical lead element:
Handout 13: More about plants with right half-plane zeros Eric Feron March 15, 2004 Right half-plane zeros and sensor/actuator design Influence of sensor position on system dynamics: Star Market
Handout 18: Dual-input describing functions Eric Feron April 5,2004 Dual-input describing functions are for mixed signals(sinusoid small constant signal) Approximating non-constant signals with constant ones
Handout 19: More about Dual-input describing functions- Limit cycle stability analysis Eric Feron April 16, 2004 Dual-input describing functions for Toggle switch Another servo-motor application