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Subject Matter(SM主题思想)是作者在 would the passage most likely be found in a 文章中要表达的主要内容,是贯穿全文的核 textbook? 心。作者在文章中努力通过各种 Supporting (8)The purpose of the writer in writing Details来阐明中心议题。因此,把握主题思想 this passage is 对于理解全文具有重要意义。熟悉四级考试 (9)Which of the following best describes 的人都知道,这类问题常被列为五题之首。然 the passage as a whole?
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 大纲要求  评分标准  本教程的适应对象 -有强烈的过关愿望 -有一定的英语基础 -多写、多练、多背
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一、专题讲座准备工作 任务 内容 主要责任人 备注 演讲前期准备 5 月 16 日 1、将活动方案交广东外语外贸大学,共商议当晚议程; 分行个人银行部 配合学校进行各类宣传
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A. Based on the information in the story, we can safely come to a lesson that everybody needs a happy life, and this happiness can play an important role in keeping our life active and meaningful. As a matter of fact, it should become our goal of life to be happy. Without happiness, many people will feel that life is empty and worthless.  B. If we read this story carefully, it is not hard for us to arrive at a lesson that everybody needs a happy life, and this happiness can play an important role in keeping our life active and meaningful. …
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Pre-Reading Activities Listen to the recording and then think over the following questions: 1. Why can’t woman be ignored? 2. What price have women had to pay for their wisdom? 3. What happens to them if you try to break their will? 4. How women realized their dreams?
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第一节制造业企业主要经济业务概述 一、制造业企业的主要经济业务内容 制造业企业是以产品的生产和销售为主要活动内容的经济组织。其主要经济业务内容可归纳为以下5种:
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第三章会计核算基础 会计核算基础是指会计核算应当具备的前提条件,以及在这个前提下进行会计核算的应当遵循的标准和质量要求
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第一节会计的产生与发展 一、会计适应生产活动发展的需要而产生 1会计与生产活动的关系
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1. cherish: to care for tenderly; love; to keep a feeling deeply and firmly in mind Examples: The old man cherished the girl as if she were his daughter. The child has been away for more than three years and his parents always cherish the hope that he will come back soon
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In this unit, you will first listen and then talk about college life read about how much there is to learn in college write about your most memorable examination practice reading skills: reading with a purpose practice forming compound and complex sentences learn to fill in registration forms and design name cards visit culture salon about college life in the United
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