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对外经贸大学:《人力资源管理 Human Resource Management》课程教学资源(作业)Chapter 1 Human Resource Management:Gaining a Competitive Advantage
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Agenda Introduction Your team Your S&P 500 company Your feed back (FCF 2004 and WACC% of your team’s company) Introduction Dividend Policy (ch. 15) Your homework… In the news…
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复旦大学:《卫生经济学》课程学生汇报PPT_Health economics analysis on aging of population
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对外经贸大学:《国际企业管理 International business management》课程教学资源(授课教案)第五篇 走出去战略 第十章 中国企业跨国经营战略
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对外经贸大学:《国际企业管理 International business management》课程教学资源(案例)Case6 Jollibee Foods Corporation 快乐蜂(Jollibee)快餐连锁店的国际扩张历程
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对外经贸大学:《国际企业管理 International business management》课程教学资源(案例)Case5 Caterpillar Tractor
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对外经贸大学:《国际企业管理 International business management》课程教学资源(案例)Case4 Canon:Competing on the capabilities
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