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一、概述 母婴血型不合,免疫性溶血,26个血型,ABO、Rh血型常见
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HE概述 一、围产期新生儿窒息→缺氧→缺血→脑损伤 二、目前产伤↓,缺氧窒息↑ 三、HIE可造成:新生儿死亡或儿童伤残,是儿童脑瘫的重要原因之一。 四、常见于严重窒息的足月儿,也可见于早产儿
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Background and Introduction Billirubin Metabolism Special problems in neonates Dangerous of the Hyperbillirubinemia The diseases in relation with Neonatal Jaundice
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Introdution Morbidity and mortality The compromised host of the neonates in immunology Pathogens for clinical consideration Clinical manifestation Antibiotic therapy
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Main Points Historical changes in the definition or name of the disease Different views and definitions at home and abroad What is basis for the category
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Neonatal Respiratory Distress Clinical Menifestation Neonatal pulmonary function The main causes Main types of the disease Case discussion and presentation Summary and conclusion
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Important to notice Recognize neonates with different gestational age(GA) General care for the neonates Special risks of the prematures and LBWI Importance of the initial examination after birth
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Introduction he or hibd? The relation with asphyxia How and when it happens Clinical diagnosis Advances in treating
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1. Causes Hypoxia Perinatal asphyxia, apnea, respiratory failure, right to left shunt Ischemia Heart arrest, Heart failure, Shock
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