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复旦大学:《有机化学A》课程教学资源(学生课件)a,b-不饱和醛酮的还原 Reduction of a,b - unsaturated carbonyl compounds
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1、价键理论及 B、σ键的特点 a, 沿键轴方向重叠 b, 电子云成筒型分布 c, 可以任意旋转
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《药物设计学》课程教学资源(参考教材)国外药学专著译丛《有机药物化学》电子书(原著第二版,共八章,[美]R.B.西尔弗曼 Richard B. Silverman,主译:郭宗儒)
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Brevetoxin B is a marine neurotoxin most commonly associated with Red Tides – Annually responsible for the deaths of thousands of marine organisms The structure of this poison was identified in 1981 by Lin
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12.1羟基酸 12.1.1.羟基酸的制备
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Evans Group Seminar, February 13, 1998 For a recent general review of the Simmons-Smith reaction see:
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The Aza-Cope Rearrangement. Background and Application to Alkaloid Synthesis Mike calter Evans group seminar
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Krista Beaver Synthetic Applications of α-Diazocarbonyl Derivatives Chem 206 Synthetic Applications of α-Diazocarbonyl Compounds An Evans Group Afternoon Seminar Krista Beaver January 15, 1999 Leading References:
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The Synthetic Applications of Carbonyl Ylides David M. Barnes Evans Group Seminars, March 16, 1993 Reviews - Ylides Padwa, A.; Hornbuckle, S. F. Chem. Rev. 1991, 91, 263-309. Padwa, A.; Krumpe, K. E. Tetrahedron. 1992, 48, 5385-5483
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问题 12.1 命名下列化合物:
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