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Images removed due to copyright considerations. See the following: Figure 1 and Table 1 in Reed SI. 2003. Ratchets and clocks: The cell cycle nover ubiquitylation and protein turnover. Nat Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 4: 855-864. Figure 1 in Bartek J, Lukas J. Mammalian G1-and S-phase checkpoints in response to DNA damage. Curr Opin Cell
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2.1 Overview of the structure of microbial cells 2.2 Procaryotic cell wall 2.3 Cytoplasmic membrane 2.4 Cellular genetic information 2.5 Cytoplasmic matrix- Ribosome and Inclusions 2.6 Components external to the cell wall 2.7 Bacterial endospores
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3.1 Light Microscopy 3.2 Three-Dimentsional Imaging: Interference Contrast, Atomic Force, and Confocal Scanning 3.3 Electron Mciroscopy 3.4 Cell Morphology and the Significance of Being Small
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§ 1. The cell membrane & its transport § 2. Transmembrane signal transduction § 3. Bioelectrical phenomena of the cell § 4. Contraction of skeletal muscle
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Plasma membrane Mitochondrion Nucleus cytoplasm Endoplasmic Reticulum K Golai Apparatus Outside the Cell EUKARYOTIC CELL
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1. General description: ---Components: nerve cell: neuron Glial cell: neuroglial ---Function: Neurons : receive the stimulation, conduct the nerve impulse Glial cell: support, protect and insulate, nourish neurons
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1. An early study in the development of peptide-presenting biomaterials showed that polymer surfaces bearing RGD peptides at a density equivalent to -10 peptides per each cell was sufficient to promote cell attachment, spreading and subsequent cell growth. In contrast, when whole
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B. Cell-Matrix Interactions A. How cells pull onto and deform the matrix to which they attach themselves. B. Cell-matrix interactions control the spontaneous closure of wounds in organs. C. What happens when regeneration is induced?
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§1、Cell differentiation 细胞分化的基本概念 影响细胞分化的因素 §2、Cancer cell What is cancer? 癌症能遗传吗? 癌细胞的基本特征 致癌因素 癌症产生过程中的相关基因 癌症能治疗吗?
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