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I. Racist Propositions Appiah distinguishes three importantly different ideas relevant to race and racism: Racialism: ...there are heritable characteristics, possessed by members of our species, that allow us to divide them into a small set of races, in such a way that all the members of these races share certain traits and tendencies with each other that they do not share with members of any other race. These traits and tendencies characteristic of a race constitute, on the racialist view, a sort of racial essence; and it is part of the content of racialism that the essential
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Evidentialism(Clifford): \It is wrong abways, everywhere, and for anyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence\ (p.113) Pragmatism(James): Faced with a genuine choice about what to believe, and where evidence does not decide the matter, we are free to decide it however we want. Oour passional nature not only lawfully may, but must, decide an option between propositions, whenever it is a genuine option that cannot by its nature be decided on intellectual grounds. (127) In the relevant cases, we are not
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24.00: Problems of Philosophy Prof. Sally Haslanger September 19, 2001 Evil and the Free Will Defense Review of the Problem 1)If God exists, she'd be OOG. [By hypothesis] )If an OOG being exists, there would be no evil. [from 1] 3)God exists. [Suppose]
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The Ontological argument The Question(and framework for answers) Does God exist? (We will be assuming a philosophical/theological conception of God as a perfect being-this god's perfections include: omnipotence, omniscience, and perfect goodness. Theist: Yes. God exists
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一、选择与填空题: 1.在蜗杆传动中,蜗杆头数越少,则传动的效率越 ,自锁性越 。一般蜗杆头数常 取 2.在蜗杆传动中,已知作用在蜗杆上的轴向力Fa11800N,圆周力F=880N因此作用在蜗轮上的轴向力F2=圆周力F12=3对闭式蜗杆传动进行热平衡计算,其主要目的是为了防止温升过高导致。 (1)材料的机械性能下降(2)润滑油变质(3)蜗杆热变形过大(4)润滑条件恶化
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设fx)是定义在闭区间[ab]上的连续函数,如果x∈[ab]使 得f(x)=0则称x是fx)的一个零点 从几何图形看,函数f(x)的零点就是曲线y=f(x)与x轴的交 点。这个事实对我们求数值解很有启发作用 提示:函数f)的零点其实也就是(非线性)方程fx)=0的 解,所以求函数的零点问题也就是非线性方程求解的问题。 结论:由高等数学中的界值定理可知,若fa)f(b)<0,方程 f(x)=0在[ab内一定有解 求函数零点的方法有对分法,牛顿法和不动点算法
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概述 滑动轴承、滚动轴承 一、滑动轴承类型 按承载:径向轴承(向心轴承)(受Fr) 止推轴承(推力轴承)(受Fa) 按润滑状态:流体润滑轴承、非流体润滑轴承、无润滑轴承 二、滑动轴承的特点 三、应用
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