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1、设n个人围坐在一个圆着周围,现在从第s个人开始报数,数到第m个人,让他出 局,然后从出局的下一个重新开始报数,数到第m个人,再让他出,如此反复直 到所有的人全部出局为止。下面要解决的 Josephus问题是:对于任意给定的n,s和m,求 出这n个人的出局序列。设用整数序列1,2,3,n,表示顺序围坐在圆桌周围的人, 采用数组表示作为求解过程中使用的数据结构。然后使用n=9,s=1,m=5,以及n=9,s=1, m=0,或者n=9,s=1,m=10作为输入数据,检查你的程序的正确性
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Rn中的n个单位向量 1=[1,0,0,0] E2=[0,1,0,,0] n=[0,0,1 是线性无关的 一个n阶实矩阵A[anxn如果≠0,则A的n个 行向量和n个列向量也都是线性无关的.此外, Rn中任何n+1个向量都是线性相关的,因此Rn 中任一向量a都可用Rn中n个线性无关的向量 来表示,且表示法唯一.由此给出基和坐标的
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Order statistics Select the ith smallest of n elements(the element with rank i i=l: minimum, .i=n: marimum, i=L(n+1)/2]or[(n+1)/2 median Naive algorithm: Sort and index ith element Worst-case running time =o(n Ig n)+o(1 o(nIg n using merge sort or heapsort(not quicksort) c 2001 by Charles E Leiserson
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2.1 Discrete-Time Signals: Time-Domain Representation Signals represented as sequences of numbers, called samples Sample value of a typical signal or sequence denoted as x[n] with n being an integer in the range-oo≤n≤∞ x[n] defined only for integer values of n and undefined for noninteger values of n Discrete-time signal represented by {x[n]}
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1. Any arbitrary input sequence x[n] can be expressed as a linear combination of delaved and advanced unit sample sequences [n]=x[k][n-k] k=-0 2. .Linear Time-Invariant()System A system satisfying both the linearity and the time-invariance property. .If yiln] is the output due to an input xiln] and y2ln] is the output due to an input x2n] then for an input xn]=axiln]+bx2n] the output is given by ]=]+by2[n]
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一、频率与频率稳定性 频率 设A是一个事件在相同的条件下进 行n次试验,在这n次试验中事件A发生 了m次。则称m为事件A在n次试验中 发生的频数或频次,称m与n的比值m/n 为事件A在n次试验中发生的频率,记 为fn(A)
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Plant nitrogen 1.1 Uptake of N 1. N is required by plants in large amounts Most plant material contains 2-4%N and 40%C. 2. N is usually the limiting nutrient in unfertilized systems 3. Most n is taken up from the soil in the form of nht or no a small amount of NH3 can be absorbed through the leaves N2 can be used by legume plant via biological nitrogen fiXation
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一、求系统单位样值响应(1) 6(n) 离散时间系统 h() 一般时域经典方法求h(n) 将δ(n)转化为起始条件,于是齐次解,即零 输入解就是单位样值响应h(n) ·在n=时,接入的激励转化为起始条件 ·在n≠0时,接入的激励用线性时不变性 来进行计算
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三维复式格子:晶体由N=N1N2N3个原胞构成,一个原胞中有n个原子。 n个原子的质量分别是:m1,m2,m3…m 第l个原胞的位置:R()=la1+l2a2+l3 原胞中各原子的位置
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10.1 概述 烃化指的是在有机分子中的碳硅氮磷氧和硫等原子上引入烃基的总称。本章只讨论N-烃化、O-烃化和C-烃化。 10.2 N-烃化 有机分子中氨基上氢原子被烃基取代的反应叫N-烃化。 1)用醇类的N-烷化 醇类是弱烷化剂,芳胺的碱性也较弱,要求相当高的反应温度。 液相高压N-烷化一般用酸性催化剂如浓硫酸等。 气固相接触催化N-烷化的关键是催化剂的筛选
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