1. 掌握 T 检验的原理和方法(公式)的来源及推导过程。 2. 掌握 T 检验的适用条件(样本特性)。 3. 掌握配对 T 检验的适用条件和方法。 4. 掌握两组独立样本的 T 检验的适用条件和方法。 5. 掌握样本均数与总体均数的比较的 T 检验方法。 6. 学会通过 T 检验的结果来分析试验设计中的假设检验是否具有显著性统计意义
平推流反应器 Piston Flow Reactor (PFR) 活塞流模型或理想置换模型 This type of units is illustrated in the following figure. This reactor consists of a tube inside which the reaction medium flows. This makes i t t h e s i m p l e s t s t r u c t u r e conceivable f or a continuou s o p e r a ti o n s ys t em . Th e h ea t exchange necessary to add heat to the system or to remove it generally occurs ac ros s the tube wall
A cosine voltage is zero and increasing at t=-1 6ms; the next zero crossing occurs at t 4.65ms. (a)Calculate T, f, and @.(b) If v(0)=20V, find v(t).(c)By what angle does v(t) I(t)=5cos(t-110°)A? 2 For the sinusoidal waveform shown in