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《纺织复合材料》课程参考文献(Composite Materials Handbook,Volume 1)CHAPTER 7 STRUCTURAL ELEMENT CHARACTERIZATION
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《纺织复合材料》课程参考文献(Composite Materials Handbook,Volume 1)CHAPTER 5 PREPREG MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION
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《纺织复合材料》课程参考文献(Composite Materials Handbook,Volume 1)CHAPTER 3 EVALUATION OF REINFORCEMENT FIBERS
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《纺织复合材料》课程参考文献(Composite Materials Handbook,Volume 1)CHAPTER 1 OBJECTIVES
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Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Fields of Intellectual Property Protection Chapter 3 The Role of Intellectual Property in Development and WIPO’s Development Chapter 4 Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights Chapter 5 International Treaties and Conventions on Intellectual Property Chapter 6 Administration and Teaching of Intellectual Property Chapter 7 Technological and Legal Developments in Intellectual Property
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Introduction to Markov Chain Monte Carlo Charles J. Geyer • History • Markov Chains • Intuitions of MCMC • Elementary Theory of MCMC • The Metropolis-Hastings-Green Algorithm MCMC using Hamiltonian dynamics Radford M. Neal • History • Hamiltonian Dynamics • MCMC from Hamiltonian dynamics • HMC in practice and theory • Extensions of and Variations on HMC
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《学术英语写作与演讲 Academic Writing and Presentation in English》教学资源(阅读材料)Writing the Research Paper A Handbook(Anthony C. Winkler Jo Ray Metherell, 8th Edition)
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《电子商务 E-business》阅读文献:Recommender.Systems.Handbook.Oct.2010
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Connecticut. We are grateful for the comments of Doug Allen, Tom Hazlett, Eric Rasmussen, Ian Wills, as well as participants in the Law and Economics Handbook Conference at Stanford Law School, the European School for New Institutional Economics, and a workshop at the University of Michigan
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Fermentation and Biochemical Engineering Handbook Figure 20. Photograph of radial flow impeller in a baffled tank in the laminar region, made by passing a thin plane of light through the center of the tank
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