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本文介绍了美国建筑钢结构设计规范LRFD( Load and' Resistance Factor Design Specification for Structural Steel Buildings)第十章的主要内容,包括连接、节点和紧固件
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OBSERVATION OF TECTONIC SAMPLES Observe tectonic samples in the STRUCTURAL SCOPE. Discuss what you observed with your group members. Select one representative of the group to exchange ideas with other groups in the class
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1.几个基本概念 1.1构造(structure) 构造:指物体中物质组成的构成方式及样式。 地质构造:指地质体中物质组成的构成方式及样式
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一、课程性质与任务 结构力学是土木工程专业的一门主要技术基础课,属必修课性质。在学习理论 力学和材料力学的基础上,通过本课程的学习,使学生进一步掌握杆件结构的计算 理论和计算方法,了解各类结构的受力性质。为学习有关专业课程以及进行结构设 计和科学研究打好力学基础,培养学生具有结构分析与结构计算方面的能力。课程 的教学目的为:
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58.1Introduction 58.2 Smart/Intelligent Structures 58.3 Objective-Based Classification of Smart/Intelligent Materials Smart Structural Materials. Smart Thermal Materials.Smart Acoustical Materials. Smart Electromagnetic
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he major classes of organic compounds common to living systems are lipids, pro- teins, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are very familiar to us- we call many of them\sugars.\ They make up a substantial portion of the food we eat and provide most of the energy that keeps the human engine running. Carbohy- drates are structural components of the walls of plant cells and the wood of trees. Genetic
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Ikenes are hydrocarbons that contain a carbon-carbon double bond. A car- bon-carbon double bond is both an important structural unit and an important functional group in organic chemistry. The shape of an organic molecule is influ- enced by the presence of this bond, and the double bond is the site of most of the chem- ical reactions that alkenes undergo. Some representative alkenes include isobutylene(an industrial chemical), a-pinene (a fragrant liquid obtained from pine trees), and farnesene (a naturally occurring alkene with three double bonds
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一、复习 二、续:介绍一些重要的模式 1、Structural Patterns 2、 Behavioral Patterns 三、第二次作业
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An ICBM with a range of 6500 miles has a stagnation temperature of 12,000 ºF, 2000 ºF hotter than the surface of the sun Calculations showed that the optimum design for structural strength, resistance to heating, and free flight stability was a long, needle nosed reentry body
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Principal Aim To assess the strength changes, and associated change in fracture risk, due to structural alterations in the proximal femora of astronauts experiencing long￾term weightlessness
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