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1. 外阴及阴道炎症 2. 子宫颈炎症 3. 盆腔炎症
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定 义(Definition)妊娠20周以后或分 娩期,正常位置的 胎盘在胎儿娩出前 , 部分或全部从子宫 壁剥离
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例:孕37周,因腹痛胎 动消失1天来诊。 例:孕28周,半夜醒来 发现自己已睡在血泊 之中,而入院
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一、下丘脑一垂体一卵巢轴功能失调 二、性激素分泌机制失常 三、异常子宫出血 四、无生殖道器质性病变 五、无其他系统疾病
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Definition of DUB SAny abnormal uterine bleeding No specific organic cause can be found Anovulatory Hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis has not fully matured
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1、卵巢及其与周围组织关系 2、卵巢肿瘤起源
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General Description Also called endometrial cancer Endometrial cancer is one of the most common malignancy of female genital tract
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一、发病率1~4% 二、易发生心力衰竭 三、是我国孕产妇死亡的主要原因
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What is endometriosis A disordor in which hormonally responsive endometria/tissue(glands and/or stroma) is found outside uterus. Adenomyosis within the myometrium 1 LH(3 mm)
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一、妊娠滋养细胞疾病 (gestational trophoblastic disease, GTD) 二、妊娠滋养细胞肿瘤 gestational trophoblastic neoplasia GTN
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