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22.2 N,N-Dimethylcycloheptylamine may also be named as a dimethyl derivative of cycloheptanamine. -N(CH3)2 N,N-Dimethylcycloheptanamine 22.3 Three substituents are attached to the nitrogen atom; the amine is tertiary. In alphabetical order, the s substituents present on the aniline nucleus are ethyl, isopropyl, and methyl. Their positions are
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is a vector equation that relates the magnitude and direction of the force vector, to the magnitude and direction of the acceleration vector. In the previous lecture we derived expressions for the acceleration vector expressed in cartesian coordinates. This expressions can now be used in Newton's second law, to produce the equations of motion expressed in cartesian coordinates
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A point at which two or more elements have common connection is called node(节点). Suppose that we start at one node in a network and move through a simple element to the node at the other..., if no node was encountered more than once, then the set of nodes and elements that we have passed hrough is defined as path(路径)
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Basic Structure Fiqure 15.1 shows the series of steps used to compute a person's tax liability. Step 1: Compute Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) Step 2: Convert AG/ into taxable income by subtracting exemptions and deductions Step 3: Compute tax due by applying a rate schedule, and subtracting tax credits
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6.1水体与水体污染 6.1.1水件和水方染 6.1.2水体污染物及污染源 6.1.3水体污染类型 06.2河流水质模型 6.2.1河流水质模型简介 6.2.2河流的混合稀释模型 6.2.3守恒污染物在均匀流场中的扩散模型 6.2.4非守恒污染物在均匀河流中的水质模型 6.2.5 Streeter-Phelps-(s-P)模型 6.2.6河流水质模型中参数估值 6.3湖泊水库模型与评价 6.3.1湖泊环境概述 6.3.2湖泊环境质量现状评价 6.3.3湖泊环境预测模式 06.4地面水环境影响评价 6.4.1评价目的、分级及程序 6.4.2环境影响评价大纲 6.4.3项目分析和污染源调查 6.4.4地区水环境调查 6.4.5水环境影响预测及评价 6.4.6清洁生产和水污染防治
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1.在298K,101.325kPa下将直径为1um的毛细管插入水中问需在管内加 多大压力才能防止水面上升? 若不加额外的压力让水面上升达平衡后管内液面上升多高? 已知该温度下水的表面张力为0.072N/m水的密度为1000kgm-3设接 触角为0度。重力加速度为g=9.8m/s2
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第1节概述 第2节汉森(Walter. Hansen)模型 第3节统计模型 第4节劳瑞(s. Lowry)模型业 第5节凯因John(.ain)模型住宅用地 第6节模型的应用
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血尿基本定义 一、正常人尿液中无红细胞或偶见个别红细胞 二、血尿:尿液离心沉淀后尿RBC>3HP,或尿沉渣(Addi’s)计数12小时尿RBC>50万或1小时>10万镜下血尿(microhematuria):尿色正常须经显微镜检查方能确定
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一、在层次聚类分析中,输入中不指定要分成的类的个数。系统的输入为(X,s),系统的输出是类的层次。 二、大多数层次聚类过程不是基于最优的思想, 而是通过反复的分区直至收敛,找出一些近似的、未达最优标准的解决方案。 三、层次聚类算法分为:分裂算法和凝聚算法
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Chapter3 Integral Relations(积分关系式) for a Control Volume in One-dimensional Steady Flows 3.1 Systems(体系) versus Control Volumes(控制体) System: an arbitrary quantity of mass of fixed identity. Everything external to this system is denoted by the term surroundings, and the system is separated from its surroundings by it's boundaries through which no mass
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