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蛋白质是生物体的重要组成部分,在生物体系中起着核心作用,占活细胞干 重的50%左右。虽然有关细胞的进化和生物组织信息存在于DNA中,但是,维持 细胞和生物体生命的化学和生物化学过程全部是由酶来完成。众所周知,每一种 酶在细胞中是高度专一的催化一种生物化学反应,酶是具有催化功能的蛋白质
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本书系统地论述了食品化学的基本内容,在第一版基础上增加了酶的内容, 全书共分十章,包括绪论、水、糖类、脂类、蛋白质、酶、食品色素和着色剂、 维生素和矿物质、风味化合物以及食品添加剂。在阐明食品成分的化学和生物化 学的基础上,着重讨论了其结构对食品加工和贮藏过程中各种变化的影响,结合 食品的贮藏加工,就如何提高食品的品质和营养、保证食品的安全等作了较为详 细地叙述
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本量利分析(Costing-Volume-Profit-- Relationship Analysis)是指在成本性态分 析的基础上,运用数量化的模型揭示企业一定时期内的成本、业务量、利润之 间的相互影响、相互制约关系的一种定量分析的方法
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1 Regression Regression is probably the single most important tool at the econometrician's disposal. What is regression analysis? It is concerned with describing and evaluating the relationship between a given variable (usually called the dependent variable) and one or more other
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1. Strength and weakness of anthropology: Anthropologists are often swayed by a single key case a. Weakness in that this is an obviously inadequate sample. No way of knowing if typical or how typical b. Strength in that rich analysis, really can tell you a lot
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In this chapter, st ability and performance for multivariable systems with uncertainty will be considered. Consider a general multivariable system as depicted in Figure 5.1. All signals will in general be vectors, and G() and K(s) will be transfer matrices. d(s) is an output distur- bance signal and n() represents
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Text Analysis: Main Idea and Devices for Developing It New words Main idea of the Main idea of each text and devices part and devices Text for developing it for developing it
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第一部分 电阻电路的分析 第二部分 动态电路的分析 第三部分 正弦稳态分析
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一、选择题(每小题1分,共计20分) BDBAC ACBBA DABCB AD BCD
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一、设计要求 二、变压器设计原理 三、稳压电路 1线性稳压原理 2开关稳压原理 四、保护电路 五、测试方法
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