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数量性状(quantitative character):是指性 状呈连续变化,界限不清楚,不易分类的性状。 如身高、体重、牛的产奶量、鸡的产蛋量、小麦 的株高、穗长、千粒重等等
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I. Vocabulary(30%) Section 1 Explain the underlined word or phrase in each of the following sentences. (15%) 1. A storm moved directly over the island, demolishing buildings and flooding streets. 2. The environmental problems they found in Poland were among the worst they encountered
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Part I Vocabulary(30%) Section 1 Give a synonym for each of the following words(10%). 1. would-be 2. pungent 3. oblivious 4. inhibited 5.frigid 6. wring
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Part I Vocabulary(30%) Section 1 Explain the underlined word or phrase in each of the following sentences. (20%) 1. A group of Chinese victims of World War ll armed with lawyers went to Japan to attest to the court
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Explain the italicized words or expressions in the following sentences. (20%) 1. Bargaining is the order of the day, and veiled women move at a leisurely pace from shop to
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I. Explain the italicized words or phrases in the following sentences. (20%) 1. Ancient girders creak and groan, ropes tighten and then a trickle of oil oozes down a stone runnel into a used petrol can
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作业二: 1.纯铁的空位形成能为1.510-19J/aom,将纯铁加热至850℃后激冷至室 温(20℃),若高温下的空位全部保留,试求过饱和空位浓度与室温平衡空位 浓度的比值
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一、单项选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1.直线x-1=y=z-1 3-21与平面3x+4y-=2的位置关系是(C) (A)平行;(B)垂直;(C)直线在平面内;(D)相交但不垂直 =x2
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1、钢结构的特点 钢结构是由钢板、热轧型钢和冷加工成型的薄壁型钢制造而成。与其他材料的结构相比具有以下优点: (1)材料强度高,钢材质量轻。 (2)韧性、塑性好。 (2)材质均匀。 (3)制造简单,施工周期短。 (4)密封性好
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海洋底栖植物生存于陆地与大洋之间的交界地 带,具有高生产力、栖息地类型多变、人类和 动物影响大等特点
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