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第十四章城市现代化与国际化 第一节城市现代化 第二节城市国际化
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一、名词解释(每小题3分,共15分) 1、国内生产净值 2.有效需求: 3.财政政策: 4.边际消费倾向: 5.通货膨胀:
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Chapter 2 The Modigliani-Miller theorem \When capital markets are perfect and complete, corporate decisions are trivial.\ 2.1 Arrow-Debreu model with assets 2.1.1 Primitives
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一、关于总体与样本 总体根据一定目的确定的所要研究对象的全体称为总体或母体;
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例1某人欲购一台586型微机,现有甲、乙 两厂生产该型号微机,据资料统计其周故障 率分别如表所示,试问他该购买哪个厂的产 品为好?
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Bayesian Learning in Social Networks Douglas Gale(Corresponding Author) Department of Economics. New York University
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Capital Structure The Modigliani and Miller capital structure and payout policy theorems were the result of the practical questions\How should a firm choose its capital structure\. The theory that we covered last time clarified the nature of the modigliani and miller result
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一、参数估计量的区间估计—不做介绍 二、预测值的区间估计
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