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FLIP-FLOPS Add the certain combinational logic circuit to the input of the original flip- flop New
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信令的基本概念 No.7信令系统 No.7信令网
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第十四章 取代基效应 第十五章 饱和碳原子上的亲核取代效应 第十六章 碳碳重键的亲电加成 第十七章 消去反应 第十八章 分子重排反应 第十九章 周环反应
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同济大学:《逻辑网络》课程电子教案(PPT课件)数字设计中的基本电路 Introduction to the circuits in digital design
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Analysis Analyze existing circuits to determine their function Synchronous sequential circuit The basic modeling structure Two circuit models: Mealy model& Moore model Three approach used to describe the circuit: Logic function equation
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第23章存储器和可编程逻辑器件 23.1只读存储器 23.2随机存取存储器 23.3可编程逻辑器件
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22.1双稳态触发器 22.2寄存器 22.3计数器 22.455定时器及其应用 22.5应用举例
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Sequential Circuit Models Yo Combinational logic Universal combinational circuit model No memory units No feedback from logic outputs back to the inputs
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Registers, formed from collection of flip -flops, are used to store or manipulate data or both. Input and output function associated with registers include Parallel input/ Parallel output Serial input/ Serial output Parallel input/ Serial output OSerial input parallel output
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18.1自激振荡 18.2RC振荡电路 18.3LC振荡电路
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