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Chapter 16 Kinetic Theory of Gases Chapter 16 Kinetic Theory of Gases (气体动理论) 1. Molecular interpretation of Temperature Distribution of Molecular Speed Mean Free Path
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一、多缝夫琅和费衍射 二、黑白型光栅的衍射 三、正弦型光栅的衍射 四、闪耀光栅 五、射线在晶体中的衍射
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一、黑体辐射的实验定律 二、Plank的分立谐振子假设 三、Einstein的光量子模型
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一、光的吸收 二、光的色散 三、光的群速度 四、光的散射
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一、分波前的干涉装置 二、分振幅的干涉装置 三、光波场的空间相干性 四、光波场的时间相干性
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一、光的吸收 1.吸收的规律(线性吸收)被吸收的光强与吸收体的厚度成正比
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Chapter 4&5 Newtonian Mechanics 1. Newton's Law 2. Some Particular Forces 3. Applying Newton's Laws
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Chapter 2&3 Kinematics Chapter 3 Motion in One Dimension, Two and Three Dimensions 1. Reference Frames and Displacement 2. Velocity 3. Acceleration 4. Circular Motion
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Chapter 8 Energy and Conservation Law 1. Work and Energy 2. Kinetic Energy(能)&work- Energy Principle 3. Conservative(保守) and Noncons Forces 4. Potential Energy(势能) 5. Conservation Snarav
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