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Task Team of FUNDAMENTAL ACCOUNTING School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University Lesson 13 Managerial Accounting I: Concepts and Principles Exercise 1. Sunny Brockman has developed a new device that is so exciting he is considering quitting his job in order to produce and market it on a large-scale basis. Sunny will rent a garage for $1000 per
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True and False Questions: 1. Economic interest maximization and risk aversion are two characteristics of an economic man 2. Maslow's theory of the hierarchy of needs believes that man are resourceful evaluator and maximizer 3. Firm is a coalition of economic men. 4. The economic nature of man gives rise to the emerge of accounting
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1.Lacy Leggs Lingerie had the following petty cash transactions in April of the current year: April 1 Wrote a $500 check, cashed it, and gave the proceeds to Kate Small, the petty cashier. 5 Purchased gift-wrapping paper, $30.30 8 Paid $49.00 COD shipping charges on teddies purchased for resale, terms FOB shipping
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1. What are the possible decisions that can be made with the use of financial analysis? Answer: Share investment decisions. This includes whether to invest in shares and the type of share (common, preferred). Lending decisions. This includes whether to purchase retractable preferred shares, issue mortgages, buy corporate bonds on the open market, operating line of credit
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Lesson7 Merchandise Inventories and Cost ofSales Exercise Calculation and Analyzing Problems 1. The perpetual inventory records of LIBY HOUSEHOLD show 150 units of a particular producton hand, acquired at the following dates and costs: Purchase Date Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost
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Task Team of FUNDAMENTAL ACCOUNTING School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University Lesson 8 Accounting Information System Exercise Matching For each numbered item, choose the appropriate journal and write the identifying letter 1. Bought merchandise on account Sales journal 2. Sold merchandise for cash 3. Bought merchandise for cash P Purchases journal 4. Collected accounts receivable and allowed a cash discount 5. Bought store equipment on credit CR Cash receipts journal 6. Recorded accrued wages
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Lesson 3 Analyzing and Recording Accounting Transactions Exercises 1. Identify the effects, if any, of each of the following items of information on assets, liabilities, owners'equity, revenues, or expenses. Indicate effects with a plus or minus sign. If no adjustment is needed, write\no entry\. a. Earned $9,200 by providing services to customers in exchange for cash. b. Used cash to prepay 12 months of office rent, $2,400
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1.我国经济发展经历了从国有国营到放权让利、到国企部分转让所有权、乃至将那些 中小型国企所有权全部转让的大致历程。在这一过程中,一种主导思想认为国有导致产权 不清晰、代理成本高,将国企改造为股份制,就能够解决这一问题。然而,我国资本市场 大量上市公司仍然出现了各种不应该有的现象如公司舞弊(银广夏、蓝田股份等)、高管 职务犯罪(不少董事长携款潜逃)等,特别是一些产权非常明晰的私营企业(如以个体企 业身份上市的达尔曼、通过收购控制的诚成文化等),也出现了董事长潜逃、公司大量资 产被鲸吞现象。请你结合理性经济人、有效市场等,讨论代理问题的一般性,并结合会计 的作用,给出一些有助于解决问题的建议
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微观经济学 宏观经济学 管理学原理 基础会计学 金融学 统计学 组织行为学 财务管理 管理信息系统 国际商务概论 社会经济调查方法 财政学 电子商务概论 人力资源管理 运营管理 招聘与人才测评 培训与人力资源开发 绩效管理 劳动关系与劳动法 公司治理 创新管理 薪酬管理 战略管理 市场营销学 经济法 社会保障学 劳动经济学 专业英语 企业文化 人力资源战略与规划 人力资源统计学 领导学 商业伦理与社会责任 逻辑学 社会学 心理学 商务沟通 国际贸易实务 营销策划 财经应用文写作 公共关系学 财务报表分析 税法 风险投资学 佛山经济专题 粤港澳湾区经济发展专题 中国经济专题
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