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在中海物流分管营销和信息化业务的总经理助理肖国梁看来,中海物流能在与中远物流、 中外运、招商局、宝供物流等公司的激烈角逐中脱颖而出,很大程度上是缘于先人一步建立 了比较完善的信息化系统
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8.1 Explore some of the emerging technologies that may impact analytics, business intelligence (BI), and decision support 8.2 Describe the emerging Internet of Things (IoT) phenomenon, potential applications, and the IoT ecosystem 8.3 Describe the current and future use of cloud computing in business analytics 8.4 Describe how geospatial and location-based analytics are assisting organizations 8.5 Describe the organizational impacts of analytics applications 8.6 List and describe the major ethical and legal issues of analytics implementation 8.7 Identify key characteristics of a successful data science professional
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7.1 Learn what Big Data is and how it is changing the world of analytics 7.2 Understand the motivation for and business drivers of Big Data analytics 7.3 Become familiar with the wide range of enabling technologies for Big Data analytics 7.4 Learn about Hadoop, MapReduce, and NoSQL as they relate to Big Data analytics 7.5 Compare and contrast the complementary uses of data warehousing and Big Data technologies 7.6 Become familiar with select Big Data platforms and services 7.7 Understand the need for and appreciate the capabilities of stream analytics 7.8 Learn about the applications of stream analytics
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6.1 Understand the applications of prescriptive analytics techniques in combination with reporting and predictive analytics 6.2 Understand the basic concepts of analytical decision modeling 6.3 Understand the concepts of analytical models for selected decision problems, including linear programming and simulation models for decision support 6.4 Describe how spreadsheets can be used for analytical modeling and solutions 6.5 Explain the basic concepts of optimization and when to use them 6.6 Describe how to structure a linear programming model 6.7 Explain what is meant by sensitivity analysis, what-if analysis, and goal seeking 6.8 Understand the concepts and applications of different types of simulation 6.9 Understand potential applications of discrete event simulation
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5.1 Describe text mining and understand the need for text mining 5.2 Differentiate among text analytics, text mining, and data mining 5.3 Understand the different application areas for text mining 5.4 Know the process of carrying out a text mining project 5.5 Appreciate the different methods to introduce structure to text-based data 5.6 Describe sentiment analysis 5.7 Develop familiarity with popular applications of sentiment analysis 5.8 Learn the common methods for sentiment analysis 5.9 Become familiar with speech analytics as it relates to sentiment analysis
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2006年6月15日,某某县公安局杨芳派出所得到群众举报线索,经请示分管局领导 同意,该所所长王某某、指导员叶某某等四人前往福建省晋江市清阳镇追捕在逃犯罪嫌疑 人孔某某,调查本辖区一起组织妇女卖淫案的涉嫌人员陈某某(孔、陈二人在晋江打工) 6月16日下午到达清阳镇,在未与当地公安机关取得联系的情况下即开展工作。经传唤本 辖区来清阳打工人员孔某某、陈某某
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一、学科平台课程 1《管理学 A》 2《会计学 A》 3《财务管理 A》 4《市场营销学》 5《微观经济学》 6《宏观经济学》 7《经济法》 8《统计学》 9《管理信息系统》 二、专业课程 1《管理数据分析》 2《管理沟通》 3《运筹学》 4《组织行为学》 5《工商导论》 6《运营管理》 7《人力资源管理》 8《战略管理》 9《质量管理》 10《技术经济学》 11《公司治理》 12《物流与供应链管理》 三、个性化发展课程 1《创业学》 2《企业经营实训》 3《工商管理学科前沿专题》 4《预测与决策》 5《证券投资学》 6《ERP 实务》 7《项目管理》 8《国际商法》 9《商务英语(管理类)》 10《大数据与商务智能》 11《电子商务》 12《培训与人力资源开发》 13《人力资源战略与规划》 14《国际企业管理》 15《数据化运营》 16《国际贸易实务》 17《企业伦理学》 18《风险管理》 19《绩效管理》 20《公司法》 21《劳动法》 22《企业管理决策模拟》 23《人力资源管理仿真模拟》 24《领导学》 25《技术创新管理》 四、实践环节 1《认识实习》 2《社会调查》 3《业务实习》 4《学年论文》 5《毕业实习》 6《毕业论文》
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第一节分配活动分析内涵 第二节分配活动全面分析 第三节利润分配项目分析 第四节利润分配政策分析
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第一节 财务分析概述 第二节 主要财务报表 第三节 财务比率分析 第四节 上市公司财务报告分析 第五节 现金流量分析
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