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油源对比包括油一岩、油一油、气一气、油一气岩的对比,实际上地化对比的核心问 题就是油一岩和气一岩的对 比以及天然气的成因分类。其主要意义是:
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Atomic Structure All natural and most synthetic substances on earth are made from the ninety naturally occurring chemical elements. An atom is the smallest particle into which an element can be divided while still retaining the chemical characteristics of that element (fig 3. 1). The nucleus, at the center of the atom contains one or more particles with a positive electrical charge(protons fif and usually some particles of similar mass that have no charge(neutrons
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1、早期的太阳系 The Early Solar System Billions of years ago, out of a swirling mass of gas and dust, evolved a system of varied planets hurtling around a nuclear-powered star-our solar system. One of these planets, and one only, give rise to complex life forms. Over time
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Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles The unifying theme in this section is the remarkable weakness of major faults. I will consider the diverse new evidence for weakness, and the evidence for high pore pressure localized in faults as a fundamental cause. With this background one can better understand why faults remain active even after large rotations with
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Recognition of fault bend fold, detachment and decapitation has been possible despite the poor quality of the seismic. That was successful because of: A full integration of all disciplines including reservoir engineering petrophysics and geochemistry Vizualization in 3-D that made all members of the team speak the same language
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天然气按成因可分为四种类型:生物成因气、油型气、煤型气和无机成因。 一、生物成因气 1、生物成因气的形成 生物成因气是指成岩作用阶段早期,在浅层生物化学作用带内,沉积有机质经微生物的群体发酵和合成作用形成的天然气,主要是甲烷气及部分CO2和少量N有时也混有早期低温降解形成的烃气
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油气藏内油、气、水的分布 在垂向上,由于流体比重的差异,重力分异结果使油、气、水的分布 呈现:气在上,油居中,水在下的分布特征,它们之间的分界面为油一气 界面和油-水界面。静水条件下,这些分界面近于水平,而动水条件下, 这些分界面发生倾斜,倾斜程度取决于水动力的强弱
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由于地壳运动使储集层顶面发生了变形或变位而形成的圈闭,称为构造圈闭,在其中 聚集了烃类之后就称为构造油气藏。 根据其变形或变位及储层的变化特点可分为: 背斜圈闭和油气藏、断层圈闭和油气藏裂缝性背斜圈闭和油气臧、刺穿圈闭和油气藏
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STRIKE - The direction of the line formed by the intersection of a horizontal plane with a bedding or fault plane. DIP - The angle formed by the intersection of a bedding or fault plane and the horizontal plane. The angle is measured in a vertical plane perpendicular to the strike
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We will now approach the function A(a) from an entirely different point of view, i.e.,we will interpret the S-fabric in terms of strain1. (1.) We assume that the initial fabric is defined by a random orientation of surface, i.e.,that the ODF of the surface is uniform;
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