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定义 妊娠20周后或分娩期,正常位置的 胎盘在胎儿娩岀前,部分或全部从子 宫壁剥离,称为胎盘早剥
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概念 一、定义: 胎儿缺氧酸中毒引起的一系列症候群。 二、重要性 围产儿死亡首要的因素 儿童智力低下的主要原因
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定义 妊娠不足28周、胎儿体重不足1000克而终止者。 早期流产:<12W 晚期流产:≥12W,<28W 自然流产( spontaneous abortion, mIscarriage) 人工流产( Induced abortion)
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一、Purpose of Class Teaching Through class teaching, the student will demonstrate a knowledge of the following A Risks associated with postpartum hemorrhage B Immediate management of the patient with postpartum
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Three elements(3P) Powers Passages Passenger ----For a normal delivery to take place, each of these three factors must fulfil its own role, and interact efficiently with the other two factors
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妇科门诊小手术 一、活组织检查(biopsy) 1 外阴活组织检查 2 阴道活组织检查 3 宫颈活组织检查
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Contents Infertility Definition: causes Examinations and Diagnosis; Treatment Assisted Reproductive Technologies(ART); Intrauterine insemination(IU; In vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (VF-ET)
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Leiomyomas of uterus Commonest tumors 25% of women, 20% of female> 30y do have fibroid Also called asFibroids Estrogen responsive, regress after castration or menopause Often rapid increase during pregnancy or during oral
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一、教学目的 掌握抗磷脂抗体综合征、 Torch综合症、 HELLP综合症的概念,了解其临床表现和诊治要点
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一、教学目的 掌握早产的概念、临床表现、预测和治疗方法,了解其发病因素和发病机制
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