13-1概述(Introduction) 13-2杆件变形能的计算( Calculation of strain energy for various types of loading 13-3互等定理(Reciprocal theorems) 13-4单位荷载法·莫尔定理(Unit-load method mohr's theorem) 13-5卡氏定理(Castigliano's' Theorem) 13-6计算莫尔积分的图乘法(The meth od of moment areas for mohr's integration)
3-1扭转的概念和实例 (Concepts and example problem of torsion) 3-2扭转内力的计算 (Calculating internal force of torsion) §3-3薄壁圆筒的扭转 (Torsion in thin-wall circular tube) 3-4圆轴扭转的应力分析及强度条件 (Analyzing stress of circular bars& strength condition)
5-1引言( Introduction) 5-2纯弯曲时的正应力 (Normal stresses in pure beams) 5-3横力弯曲时的正应力( Normal stresses in transverse bending 5-4梁的切应力及强度条件(Shear stresses in beams and strength condition) 5-5提高梁强度的主要措施( Measures to strengthen the strength of beams)
4-1基本概念及工程实例 (Basic concepts and example problems) 4-2梁的剪力和弯矩(Shear- force and bending- moment in beams) 4-3剪力方程和弯矩方程剪力图和弯矩图 (Shear-force& bending-moment equations shear-force-& bending- moment diagrams)
9-1 压杆稳定的概念 (The basic concepts of columns) 9-3 其它支座条件下细长压杆的临界压力 (Euler’s Formula for other end conditions ) 9-2 两端铰支细长压杆的临界压力 (The Critical Load for a straight, uniform, axially loaded, pin-ended columns)
11–1 交变应力与疲劳失效(Alternating stress and fatigue failure) 11–3 持久极限(Endurance limit) 11–2 交变应力的循环特征、应力幅和平 均应力(The cycle symbol,stress amplitude and mean stress for alternating stress) 11–4 影响持久极限的因素 (The effective factors of endurance limit )