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Civil rights all rights rooted in the Fourteenth Amendments guarantee of equal protection under the law what the government must do to ensure equal protection what the government must do to ensure freedom from discrimination
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Three Systems of Government Unitary System-centralized government in which local governments exercise only those powers given to them by the central government Confederal System -consists of a league of independent states, each having essentially sovereign power Federal system-power is divided by a written constitution between a central government and
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What is Foreign policy? ~ nation's' external goals and techniques and strategies used to achieve them American foreign policy includes national security policy, which is policy designed to protect the independence and the political and economic integrity of the United States
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The Common Law Tradition common law-judge made law that originated in England and was derived from prevailing customs precedent-a court ruling bearing on subsequent legal decisions in similar cases - emanates from stare decisis, or standing on decided cases
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The Many roles of the President chief of state-the role of the president as the ceremonial head of government chief executive-- the role of the president as the head of the executive branch of the government commander in chief of the armed forces-- the role of the president as the supreme commander of military forces of the U.S
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第一节 北美洲概述 第二节 美国 第三节 加拿大 第四节 墨西哥
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总体情况 全球超过15m的水坝有近50万座。 中国水坝数量居世界第一,大于15m的挡水 坝有25万多座,总挡水坝有8.5万座(2003 年统计资料);美国第二,8700多座;日本 第三,然后依次是印度、韩国、西班牙等。 。发达国家的水电开发率极高,有的高达90% 以上,接近饱和;而发展中国家一般在0% 左右,中国水电资源开发为百分之十几
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以色列 Cimatron软件有限公司作为世界上著名的 CAD/CAM软件供应商一直致力于为制造行业提供 先进的 CAD/CAM系统,不仅为用户提供功能强大的通用 CAD/CAM系统,而且针对模具制造行业提供了 全面的解决方案。 Cimatron公司成立于1982年,其股票已经在美国的 NASDAQ上市。在世界范围内,Ci matron已拥有π000多个用户,系统销量达12000套。用户广泛遍布于汽车、航空、计算机、玩具、消 费类商品、医疗、军事、光学仪器、远程通讯、教育机构和科研院所等
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(一)需要层次理论 需要层次理论是由美国的心理学家马斯洛在 1943年出版的著作《人类动机理论》中提出的。他假设每个人内部都存在五个层次的需要,依次为:生理需要安全需要、社会需 要、尊重需要、自我实现需要
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(一)管理方格理论 美国管理学家布莱克和莫顿从关心人和 关心生产两个维度的基础上提出了管理 方格理论
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