Dynamic programming Design technique, like divide-and-conquer Example: Longest Common Subsequence (LCs) Given two sequences x[l.. m] and yll.n], find a longest subsequence common to them both a' not the
hool of Business, Sun Y at-sen University L 2 Economic Transactions and Accounting equation Exercises 1. Lion Company had a net cash inflow of $80,000 from operating activi
Task Team of FUNDAMENTAL ACCOUntING hool of Business, Sun Y at-sen University L 3 Analyzing and Recording Accounting Transactions Exercises 1. Identify the effects, if any, of each of the following items of information on assets
Task Team of FUNDAMENTAL ACCOUntING hool of Business, Sun Y at-sen University Lesson 6 Accounting for Merchandising Activities Self-Test L. True and False Questions The income statement of a wholesaler includes a deduction from revenue representing the cost
6.001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. Copyright o 2004 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.001 Notes: Section 30.1 Slide 30l1 In this lecture, we are going to go back to several themes that 6.001: Structure and Interpretation of we have been exploring over the past few weeks, and stitch