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• This chapter is chiefly concerned with the transformation rules between various parts of speech in English-Chinese translation, including the transformation of nouns, verbs, prepositions, adjectives, adverbs in English
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• Ⅰ. Reasons • Ⅱ.English passive: • Syntactic passive(结构被动) • Notional passive (意义被动) • E.g. • 1)She dressed beautifully. • (She is dressed beautifully.) • 2 )These products sell like hot cakes. (These products are sold like hot cakes. ) • Ⅲ. Chinese passive • Marked passive • Unmarked passive • Ⅳ. E-C Translation • 1. E:译为C的主动句或Unmarked passive • 2. E: 译为C的Marked passive • 3. E: 译为C的被动句的转化形式(Chinese passive may be expressed by other structure)
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1、有助于吸收希腊文明的精华 2、有助于自身文化素养的提高 3、有助于跨文化能力的培养 4、有助于英语的学习(英文素养)-兴趣、阅读
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第一章 绪论 第二章 词汇分析和得体选词 Lexical relationship between Chinese and English 第三章 句子分析与得体表达 Full sentence, minor sentence, fragments 第四章 语篇分析与得体表达 第五章 文化差异、接受及文化词语的处理 第六章 实用类语篇的翻译翻译 Translation of Practical Chinese 第七章 不可译性与创造性翻译
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Before earth and sea and heaven were created, all things were one aspect, to which we give the name of Chaos(a confused and shapeless mass). Earth, sea, and air were all mixed up together; so the earth was not solid, the sea was not fluid, and the air was not transparent
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It was midday, and the sun stood equally distant from either goal, when young Actaeon, son of King Cadmus, thus address￾ed the youths who with him were hunting the stag in the mountains
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Hera’s twin-brother Zeus sought her out at Cnossus in Crete, where he courted her, at first unsuccess￾fully. She took pity on him only when he adopted the disguise of a bedraggled cuckoo, and tenderly warm￾ed him in her bosom. There he at once resumed his true shape and ravished her, so that she was sham￾ed into marrying him
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• Ⅰ. Amplification in English-Chinese translation • Amplification means to add necessary words, phrases, clauses or sentences to the translated text in purpose of making it consistent with the target language in meaning, grammar and culture connotation. Amplification does not add new information to the message and only help understand the text. In this part we will analyze how to use amplification to achieve equivalence in English-Chinese translation in these three levels, i.e. syntactic, semantic, and rhetorical. • 1) Her tone was more friendly than David’s (tone). • 2) She sang her sweetest (song). • 3) Shall I write my name on, above or below the line?
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Chapter 1 An Introduction to Chinese-English Translation  Ⅰ. Three peaks of translation in history  1. The Translation of Buddhist Classics: the First Peak  2. The translation of books on science and technology: the second peak  (科技翻译:中国的士大夫和传教士联手将欧洲的宗教、哲 学、科技和文学等“西学”介绍到中国来。)  3.The Translation of Western Classics: the Third Peak  (鸦片战争后至“五四”前的西方政治思想和文学翻译)
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2007年6月全国大学英语四级考试真题和答案 Part I Writing(30 minutes) 注意:此部分试题在答题卡1上 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Welcome to our club. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given bellow: 欢迎辞,欢迎加入俱乐部。 标题: Welcome to our club
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