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Webster定义的计算机系统是:元素的集合或排列,这些元 素被组织在一起,以便通过处理外部信息完成某些预定的 目标。这些系统元素是:
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主要任务:把系统分析阶段确定的逻辑模型向物 理模型(在计算机上的实现方法)转化。 系统设计阶段又可划分为: 概要设计(总体设计、初步设计)和详细设计两个 阶段
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10 Stakeholder reactions to situations particular type of work. On the other hand, he or she may be relieved about not being put out of wort i a)*. The user may be disappointed, since he or she might be looking forward to no longer having to do ince many people believe that software systems are easy to develop; they underestimate the complexity of tasks that are to be automated
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Interaction diagrams are used to model the dynamic aspects of a software system They help you to visualize how the system runs. An interaction diagram is often built from a use case and a class diagram. —The objective is to show how a set of objects accomplish the required interactions with an actor
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10.1 Basic definitions A failure is an unacceptable behaviour exhibited by a system —The frequency of failures measures the reliability —An important design objective is to achieve a very low failure rate and hence high reliability. —A failure can result from a violation of an explicit or implicit requirement
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Definition: Design is a problem-solving process whose objective is to find and describe a way: —To implement the system’s functional requirements... —While respecting the constraints imposed by the non-functional requirements... - including the budget
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The Unified Modelling Language is a standard graphical language for modelling object oriented software At the end of the 1980s and the beginning of 1990s, the first object￾oriented development processes appeared The proliferation of methods and notations tended to cause
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The process by which a software engineer learns about the domain to better understand the problem: The domain is the general field of business or technology in which the clients will use the software A domain expert is a person who has a deep knowledge of the domain
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1.软件定义 软件(Software)是计算机系统中与硬件相互依存 的另一部分,它是包括程序、数据及其相关文 档的完整集合。 其中,程序是为实现设计的功能和性能要求而 编写的指令序列;数据是使指令能够正常操纵 信息的数据结构;文档是与程序开发、维护和 使用有关的图文资料
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1.了解软件质量定义和软件质量度量。 2.了解软件维护的类型与策略。 3.了解软件维护的过程与管理方法。 4.了解可维护性的概念。 5.了解提高可维护性的方法。 6.了解软件逆向工程与再工程的概念
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