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Registers, formed from collection of flip -flops, are used to store or manipulate data or both. Input and output function associated with registers include Parallel input/ Parallel output Serial input/ Serial output Parallel input/ Serial output OSerial input parallel output
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18.1自激振荡 18.2RC振荡电路 18.3LC振荡电路
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江西农业大学:《数字逻辑》课程教学资源(PPT讲稿)第八章 数/模与模/数转换——8.1 DAC 8.1.2 倒T型电阻网络DAC
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第四章电商务与匤际贸昜 案例之三上海海关通关业务EDI应用
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15.1半导体的导电特性 15.2PN结 15.3半导体二极管 15.4稳压二极管 15.5半导体三极管
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simple counters Counting is a fundamental function of digital circuits. A digital counter consists of a collection of flip-flops that change states (set or reset) in a prescribed sequence
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12.1可编程控制器的结构和工作原理 12.2可编程控制器的程序编制 12.3可编程控制器应用举例
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三种:级联(链联)、串联、并联 一、级联方式:
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河南大学:《微机电系统设计与应用》课程教学资源(教学大纲)Design and Application for MEMS
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Basie cCoucept Boolean algebra (Logic algebra) is closure mathematical system that defines a series of logic operation (and, or, not) performed on set k of variables (a, b,...) which can only have two values of 0 or 1
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