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第一节 货币市场 第二节 资本市场 第三节 外汇和黄金市场 第四节 金融衍生市场
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第一节 金融市场的概念、分类与功能 第二节 金融市场工具 第三节 我国金融市场的发展
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第一节 信用的产生和发展 第二节 信用的主要形式 第三节 融资方式及渠道
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第一节 货币的起源与职能 第二节 货币的计量 第三节 货币制度
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一、参数估计量的区间估计—不做介绍 二、预测值的区间估计
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The definitive reference work for CS and OR students, only S18.95 www.doverpublications.com Economist.comOPINION Rudiger Dornbusch Aug 8th 2002 From The Economist print edition Rudiger Dornbusch, a far-from-dismal
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Our Net Book Value just RESEARCH TOOLS Economist.comSURVEYS Shrink-proof Sep 18th 2003 From The Economist print edition Why America's deficit is hard to turn around IF FOREIGNERS lose enthusiasm for American assets, they simply click on a mouse. Capital
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Can Germany and Japan be reinvigorated? THEY are the world's' second-and- third-large- economies. Measured at market exchange rates, Japan and Germany together make up about 20% of global output. And they are both in a mess
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