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维生素(vitamins)是动物维持正常功能所必需的一组有机化合物需要量极小但动物 本身不能合成或合成量不足,必须从食物中获得,是人体必需的一类微量营养素。目前 已知为人体所必需的维生素有13种,根据溶解度不同分脂溶性和水溶性两类。脂溶性 维生素有维生素A、维生素D、维生素E、维生素K水溶性维生素有硫胺素(B1) 核黄素(B2)、尼克酸(B3)、遍多酸(B5)、生物素、叶酸(M)钴胺素(B12)和维 生素C
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Market orders are to be executed as soon as possible after reaching the exchange floor. Limit orders must specify a price and a time limit, e.g. \Buy 500 at $90, good till canceled.\ A stop order differs from a limit order in that the order is only executed if the specified price, called the stop price, is touched. Stop orders become market orders when the stop price is reached
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Bond Principles: Identification- of Bonds Bonds are identified by issuer, coupon rate, and maturity. The face value of a bond is called its par value. e.g. 5 of \Hertz sevens of 03\(Hertz 7s03) .A legal document called the indenture contains the details of the bond issue
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(一)基本概念 1、体系与环境(System and surrounding): 体系:研究的对象;环境:与体系相关,影响所能及的部分 有无m,E交换:①开放; ②封闭; ③孤立(隔离)
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一、Boh静电荷模型(p132“Boh理论”) 二、e圆周运动
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一、了解PROE系统的有关知识 二、掌握PRO/E二维草绘的意义与方法 三、二维图形的绘制步骤与技巧
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3.1 X(eo)=2xnJe-jon where x[n] is a real sequence. Therefore X(e)=Rl∑xnlo/。 ∑xR(-mu)=∑ x[n]cos(on),and xmm)=m∑刈nm∑刈mc-m)=-2 xn] sin(oon) Since cos(on)and sin(on)are, respectively, even and odd functions of o, Xre(eJo) is an even function of o
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SAMPLING We live in a continuous-time world most of the signals we encounter are CT signals, e.g. x(). How do we convert them into Dt signals x[n? Sampling, taking snap shots of x(t) every Seconds
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Motivation for the Laplace transform CT Fourier transform enables us to do a lot of things, e. g Analyze frequency response of lTi systems Sampling Modulation Why do we need yet another transform? One view of Laplace Transform is as an extension of the Fourier
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Home Study Exercise (E1)O&W3.46(a)and(c) (t) and y(t) are continuous-time periodic signals with a period= To and Fourier series representations given b
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