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4.1交流调压电路 4.2其他交流电力控制电路 4.3交交变频电路 4.4矩阵式变频电路
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2.1单相可控整流电路 2.2三相可控整流电路 2.3变压器漏感对整流电路的影响 2.4电容滤波的不可控整流电路 2.5整流电路的谐波和功率因数 2.6大功率可控整流电路 2.7整流电路的有源逆工作状态 2.8晶闸管直流电动机系统 2.9相控电路的驱动控制
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目的要求:要求学生掌握电子支付的基本概念和流程,了解电子现金、电子钱包、智能卡、电子支票的工作原理和工作过程。 教学重点:电子支付的流程 教学难点:电子支付的原理
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he World's Largest-Capacity 8kV/3.6kA Light-Triggered Thyristor by Katsumi sato* Mitsubishi Electric has developed an 8kV/3.6kA light-triggered thyristor (LTT) based on a six inch wafer for power-converter applications in igh-voltage DC transmission and back-to-back systems. New design features give the device
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4.1 电子商务系统整体框架 4.2 电子商务系统的运营 4.3 电子商务系统的建设
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VDRMI VARM =10ms 1/2 sine. Vosu V asM =VDRM+ 100V respectively. Lower voltage grades available. ORDERING INFORMATION When ordering select the required part number shown in the Voltage Ratings selection table r ex For example:
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2.1 Single-phase controlled rectifier 2.2 2 Three-phase- controlled rectifier 2.3 Effect of transformer leakage inductance on rectifier circuits 2.4 Capacitor-filtered uncontrolled rectifier 2.5Harmonics and power factor of rectifier circuits 2.6 High power controlled rectifier 2.7 Inverter mode operation of rectifier circuit 2.8 Thyristor-DC motor system 2.9 Realization of phase-control in rectifier circuits
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Applications of Inverters Conversion of electric power from DC type energy sources to AC type load -Battery Photovoltaic cell (Solar cell) Fuel cell +As a part of composite converter AC-DC-AC frequency converter(for AC motor drive) AC-DC-AC constant-voltage constant-frequency converter(for uninterruptable power supplies)
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1.怠速控制系统;发动机的排放控制系统;进气与增压控制系统; 2.电动燃油泵的控制;安全保险功能与备用系统
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1.日本丰田系列发动机集中控制系统的组成、结构、工作原理及其检修; 2. 一汽大众捷达 Motronic M3.8.2 电控系统的组成、结构及其工作原理; 3.北京切诺基 2.5L、4.0L 发动机控制系统的组成、结构、工作原理及其检修
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