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一、决策矩阵(属性矩阵、属性值表) 方案集X={x1,x2,,xm 方案x1的属性向量Y={yym 当目标函数为f,时,y=f(x) 各方的属性值可列成表(或称为决策矩阵)
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一、为什么要研究群决策 A.在现实生活中 任何决策会影响一群人因此在公正、民主的社会中,重大的决策应尽量满足受该决策影响的群众的愿望和要求.群众通过代表反映愿望和要求代表们构成各种委员会
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一、 蛋鸡生产经营指南 二、 因地制宜建鸡场 三、 鸡的品种 四、 人工孵化 五、 蛋鸡的饲养管理 六、 合理配制饲料和常用饲料配方 七、 鸡病综合防制技术
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按其是否需要通过组织培养、再生植株可分成 两大类,第一类需要通过组织培养再生植株, 常用的方法有农杆菌介导转化法、基因枪法; 另一类方法不需要通过组织培养,目前比较成 熟的主要有花粉管通道法
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Learning Objectives Understand the importance of good project risk management Understand what risk is and describe different tolerances for risk Describe each of the processes involved in project risk management
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COURS TECHNOLOGY THOMSON LIANINC Opening case Chapters 12-15 are all based on a real case stud Fay Beauchine, VP of reservations at Northwest Airlines(NWa) sponsored the ResNet projects
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Obiectives Understand the systems view of project management Explain the four general phases in the project life cycle Explain the differences among functional, matrix, and project organizational structures
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earning objectives Understand the importance of good project scope management List the reasons why most firms invest in IT projects Describe the strategic planning process and how it relates to IT project selection
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Learning objectives Understand the importance of good project cost management Explain basic cost management principles, concepts, and terms Describe the resource planning, cost estimating, cost budgeting, and cost control processes
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