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1.设有一个体系由三个定位的单维简谐振子所组成体系能量为11/2hv这三个振子在三个固定的位置上振动试求体系全部的微观状态数。 2.当热力学体系的熵函数S增加0.418J/K时则体系的微观状态数增加多少?
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一次序统计量 设(X,X2…X)是从总体X中抽取的一个样本, 记(x,x2x)为样本的一个观测值,将观测值的各 个分量按由小到大的递增序列重新排列为 x(1)≤x2)≤…≤Xn 当(x,X2,,X)取值为(x,x2,xn)时,定义Xk取 值为x(k=1,2,n),由此得到的(Xxx(2),Xn)称为 样本(X,X2X)的次序统计量
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一次序统计量 设(X,X2…X)是从总体X中抽取的一个样本, 记(x,x2x)为样本的一个观测值,将观测值的各 个分量按由小到大的递增序列重新排列为 x(1)≤x2)≤…≤Xn 当(x,X2,,X)取值为(x,x2,xn)时,定义Xk取 值为x(k=1,2,n),由此得到的(Xxx(2),Xn)称为 样本(X,X2X)的次序统计量
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7.1 Dictionaries A dictionary is a collection of elements each element has a field called key, and no two elements have the same key value. Operations: Insert(x): insert an element with a specified key value Search(k,x): search an element with a specified key
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12.2.1边长误差方程式 (12-35)、(12-38) 当k、i其中之一为已知点情况
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迭代法的基本思想: 对给定方程f(x)=0,将它转换成等价的形式x=(x)给定初值x,构造迭代序列xk+1=9(x)k=1,2,…,如果迭代收敛
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实验目的及任务 1.了解洞道式循环干燥器的基本流程,设备特点与操作。 2.掌握物料于干燥速率曲线的测定方法及其在工业干燥器设计中的意义。 3.测定湿物料的临界水量X,计算恒速阶段的传质系数K及降速阶段的比例系数Ky
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10.1 Federal Regulation of Medical Devices 10.1.1 The Law (including amendments) 10.1.2 Organization of FDA 10.1.3 Classification of Devices 10.1.4 Process of Assessment 510(k)Substantial Equivalence Premarket Approval 10.1.5 Clinical Trials (Investigational Device Exemption) 10.1.6 Labeling 10.1.7 Tripartite Biocompatibility Guidance 10.1.8 Standards 10.1.9 Good Manufacturing Procedures 10.1.10 Good Laboratory Practices 10.2 Clinical Trial Design
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1、基尔霍夫电流定律(KCL) 2、基尔霍夫电压定律(KⅥ)
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In this chapter, st ability and performance for multivariable systems with uncertainty will be considered. Consider a general multivariable system as depicted in Figure 5.1. All signals will in general be vectors, and G() and K(s) will be transfer matrices. d(s) is an output distur- bance signal and n() represents
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