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1. 考生与学生的区别 2. 中外教育比较分析 3. 教学改革基本关系 4. 大学课堂若干模式 5. 大学教学根本任务 6. 教学改革基本路径 7. 关于思维拓展 8. 教学管理推进教学改革
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1.1信息的概念 1.2信息管理的概念 1.3信息管理的对象和内容 1.4信息管理的目标与任务 1.5信息管理的发展过程
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2.1信息资源管理流程的描述 2.2信息需求分析 2.3信息采集 2.4信息加工 2.5信息存储 2.6信息检索 2.7信息传输 2.8信息利用 2.9信息反馈
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5.1信息系统概述 5.2信息系统规划阶段的战略管理 5.3信息系统开发阶段的项目管理 5.4信息系统运行阶段的应用管理 5.5信息系统的评价、监理与审计 5.6信息系统的外包管理
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1、解简单的防火知识,增强自我保护 意识,学习火灾自救的方法。 2、培养幼儿思考问题、解决问题的能 力及快速应答能力。 3、锻炼幼儿遇事不慌、不怕危险困难 的勇敢精神,能够保护自身安全
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一、撰写科学论文的重要性 科学论文是科研成果的主要产出形式。撰写科学论文是一个科学工作者必须具有的基本功。学习撰写科学论文是每一个研究生的必修课,但必须通过实践才能学好
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Constructivism are based on the idea that, unlike a computer disk or an empty container, students do not wait passively to be filled up with knowledge. Rather, students actively build, or construct, their own knowledge.Teachers cannot entirely control their students’ learning, expert teachers can do much to facilitate students’ own active learning processes. (Cobb,2000)
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Thorndike called the association between sense impressions and impulses to action a bond or a connection. This marked the first formal attempt to link sensory events to behavior. Earlier brands of associationism attempted to show how ideas became linked together; thus Thorndike's approach is quite different and can be regarded as the first modern theme, of learning. His emphasis
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born in Berlin, Germany, in 1886 1903-1908, studied philosophy and psy. at the Uni.of Edinburgh in Scotland and Uni. of Berlin. 1910, went to work as assistants to Friedrich Schumann at the Psychological Institute in Frankfurt 1924, went to America and worked in Connel Uni., Wisconsin Uni. And Smith College till his death. Koffka introduced it to the United States and systematized Gestalt psychology into a coherent body of theories
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Defining Declarative Knowledge: (labels, names, facts, lists). Declarative knowledge is often associated with rote memory. It is the substance with which we think. It is often associated with the knowledge and comprehension level of Bloom's taxonomy. Examples of Declarative Knowledge: Often within your instructional design there are terms that your learners need to know and understand in order to more effectively communicate or proceed through
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