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第四章放大电路的频率响应 4.1放大电路的频率性 4.2多级放大器的频率响应
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3.1磁路 3.2变压器
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Supplement Practical Application Issues of Power Semiconductor Devices and d Gate Triggering Control Circuit for Thyristor Rectifiers
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4.1 换流方式 4.2 电压型逆变电路(单相,三相) 4.3 电流型逆变电路
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The concept of composite converter Composite converter Combination of two or more converters in cascaded connection Indirect ac to ac converters (AC-DC-AC converters) Composite converters ndirect dc to dc converters
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7.1 Basic concepts on soft-switching 7.2 Classification of soft-switching- techniques 7.3 Typical soft-switching circuits and techniques
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