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1 一横波在沿绳子传播时的波动方程 为 , 式中y和x的单位 为 m , t的单位为s.(1) 求波的振幅、波速、 频率及波长;(2)求绳上的质点振动时的最 大速度;(3)分别画出 和 时的波 形,并指出波峰和波谷.画出 处质点的 振动曲线并讨论其与波形图的不同
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(1)构造 以黑火药作芯药、棉线和纸条作包缠物。 外观为白色,每卷长50m。 外径为 5 . 2~ 5 . 8 mm, 药 径≮2.2mm,每米装药量≮6.3g。 (2)性能
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Chapter 1: Plasmids and Their Usefulness in Molecular Cloning Chapter 2: Bacteriophage and Its Vectors Chapter 3: Working with Bacteriophage M13 Vectors Chapter 4: Working with High-Capacity Vectors Chapter 5: Gel Electrophoresis of DNA and Pulsed-Field Agarose Chapter 6: Preparation and Analysis of Eukaryotic Genomic DNA Chapter 7: Extraction, Purification, and Analysis of mRNA from Eukaryotic Cells Chapter 8: In Vitro Amplification of DNA by the Polymerase Chain Reaction Chapter 9: Preparation of Radiolabeled DNA and RNA Probes Chapter 10: Working with Synthetic Oligonucleotide Probes Chapter 11: Preparation of cDNA Libraries and Gene Identification Chapter 12: DNA Sequencing Chapter 13: Mutagenesis Chapter 14: Screening Expression Libraries Chapter 15: Expression of Cloned Genes in Escherichia coli Chapter 16: Introducing Cloned Genes into Cultured Mammalian Cells Chapter 17: Analysis of Gene Expression in Cultured Mammalian Cells Chapter 18: Protein Interaction Technologies
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The Academy of management Review, Vol 6, No 4(Oct. 1981), 609-620 Stable url: http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0363-7425%28198110%296%03a4%3c609%03atcoiot%3e2.0.c0%3b2-m The Academy of Management Review is currently published by Academy of Management. Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at
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7-1含有长度为2a的型贯穿裂纹的无限大平板,材料为30 0CrMnSiNiA,在远离裂纹处受均匀 拉应力作用,如图7-11所示。已知材料的平面应变断裂韧度K1=(84MPa)m,裂纹的临界 长度a=8.98mm。试求裂纹发生失稳扩展时的拉应力σ值
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其中x1,x2,…,xn表示n个未知量,m是方程个 数,a表示第i个方程中含x;项的系数, b1,b2,…,b叫常数项
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若将一组数 代替未知量 n c ,c , ,c 1 2 L n x , x , , x 1 2 L ,使方程组中的m个等式都成立,就 说 是方程组的一个解.方程组的全体 解称为方程组的解集.解集相同的方程组称为同解方 程组.
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一、 光的实质 1、光是一种电磁波 2、红外线,波长为340μm~780nm。 3、可见光,波长为780nm~380nm。 4、紫外线,波长为380nm~10nm
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一致收敛的判别 定理10.2.1(函数项级数一致收敛的 Cauchy收敛原理)函数 项级数∑un(x)在D上一致收敛的充分必要条件是:对于任意给定的 n=1 >0,存在正整数N=N(),使 un+(x)+un2(x)++um(x)|n>N与一切x∈D成立
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(1)选择新井或近期淘过的井,并尽量选择易透水的井壁结构; (2)井的卫生条件较好,附近没有污染源,并有良好的排水条件 (3)要测得准确的天然静止水位 (4)水位降深应大于0.50m,允许变化幅度2cm,水位和流量同时趋近稳定状态后
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