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第一节 会计科目与账户 第二节 复式记账原理 第三节 借贷记账法
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第一节 会计假设 第二节 会计原则 第三节 收付实现制与权责发生制
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第一节 会计对象 第二节 会计要素 第三节 会计等式
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一、概述 二、AHP法的基本步骤 三、AHP法的优缺点
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第十二章效用理论 一、效用的概念 二、效用曲线及其测定 三、效用函数的类型 四、效用决策(表格法、矩阵法、决策法)
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一、趋势曲线模型的基本类型 二、趋势曲线的参数估计 三、趋势曲线模型的识别方法 四、应用实例
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1时间序列概述 时间序列指将预测对象的历史数据按照时 间顺序排列的序列,就称为时间序列
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Question 1 Suppose in an open economy the consumption function take the form C=100+0.8 Tax is the proportion of income with the tax rate to be given by 0. 2. Meanwhile import depends on the domestic income with the function given by
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Introduction The objective of this chapter is to study ho lOW money and interest rate is determined in the money and financial market The money and financial market is the market in which money and various financial assets(such as, bonds and stocks) are exchanged
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The foreign exchange(Forex)includes means of payments and assets denominated in foreign currency for international settlement
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