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Complaint Management is an Investment Cost of customer acquisition vs. retention Loyalty Word of mouth (positive or negative) Information for design changes Compensation may exceed price
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In a service company, important parts of the product are being designed by the front-liners every time they serve a customer They are uniquely positioned to read customer needs. You need to provide them with information(about costs)and incentives
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The fox case- Room for one more A number of changes make it easier to enter cheaper transmission technology more syndication more independent stations demographics makes the \young\niche larger The networks have a hard time defending
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The Wheel of retailing GG ain entry with low prices rain trust and loyalty Add offerings and raise prices Differentiate from new no -frills entrants
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Consumers benefit from search/broker services Consumer trust can be leveraged across many product categories How will brick and mortar agents fare vs electronic agents?
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Consumers benefit from search broker services Consumer trust can be leveraged across many product categories How will brick and mortar agents fare vs electronic agents?
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旋毛虫形态 一、成虫形态 1 线形 2 一体小,体长1.5-4mm 3 虫体前端咽管约占虫体的13-1/2 4 雌虫的阴门位于体前13处
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提纲 1、如何凝练一个科学的问题 2、如何构思论证逻辑 3、如何写文章的第一段话 4、如何写摘要 5、论文的基本体例
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在一个产业中,参加竞争的每一个公司都有其显式的或隐式的竞争战 略。这一战略可能在计划过程中以显式提出,或者可能通过公司各职能部门 的活动以隐式演进。如果听任各部门自行其是,则它们不可避免地将依从于 其业务性质和负责人兴趣的驱使而各自力政。然而,这些部门各自为政的集 合却极少是公司的最佳战略。 当今,美国及国外公司对战略规划的强调反映了这样一种观点:即一个 显式的战略制定过程总能产生显著的效益,它保证职能部门至少在政策上(如 果不是行动上)与一系列共同的目标相协调,并受这些目标魄指导
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竞争是企业成败的关键。竞争决定对企业经营业绩有所贡献 的各种活动是否适当,例如创新、有凝聚力的文化或者有效的实 施。竞争战略是要在竞争发生的产业宏观舞台上追求一种理想的 竞争地位。竞争战略旨在针对决定产业竞争的各作用力建立有利 的、持久的地位。 竞争战略的选择由两个中心问题构成第一个问题是由产业 长期盈利能力及其影响因素所决定的产业的吸引力并非所有产 业都提供均等的持续盈利机会,产业固有的盈利能力是决定该产 业中某个企业盈利能力的一个必不可少的因素。第二个中心问题 是决定产业内相对竞争地位的因素
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