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第一节 肾动态显像 第二节 肾功能测定 Renal Functional Examination 第三节 肾静态显像 Static Renography 第四节 膀胱显像 Radionuclide Cystography
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• 第一节 骨连结概述 • 第二节 躯干骨的连结 • 第三节 头骨的连结 • 第四节 前肢骨的连结 • 第五节 后肢骨的连结
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一.基本构成: A.细胞外间质:血浆(Plasma)占血液总体积55~56%左右。 1.基质:血清(Serum),血凝块中渗出的淡黄色液体。 2.纤维:可溶性的纤维蛋白原,在凝血时转变为不溶的纤维蛋白
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digestive and respiratory system derived from primitive gut /foregut /midgut /hindgut ---epi. of digestive and respiratory system derived from endoderm ---CT and MT of digestive and respiratory system derived from splanchnic or visceral mesoderm
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(1) extra-embryonic blood vessels ---blood island: at the middle of 3 rd week, wall of the yolk sac mesenchyma proliferate and form isolated cell clusters, the peripheral cell become flattened and differentiate into endothelial cell to from endothelial tube; central located cells are detached and develop into primitive blood cells(blood stem cell)
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一.一般构成: A.神经元(Neuron)传导电冲动。 B.神经胶质细胞(Neuroglia):有支持作用,并为神经元营造必要的工作环境
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骨組織 組成〈細胞一骨細胞 細胞間質/大量力儿义厶塭沈着 (骨基質)膠原線維 無定形物質 骨骨組織 骨膜 力水员 関節軟骨
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① Lymphocyte: a. T-lymphocytes: cytotoxic T cell: Tc C- kill the tumor cell, virus infective cell and foreign cell helper T cell: Th C- promotes activity of BLC and Tc C suppressor T cell: Ts C –regulate the function of BLC and TC
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1.General feature: (1) contain more cells and less extracellular ground substance (2) Polarisaton: ---free outer surface: face air or other things ---basal surface: face underlying CT, havebasement membrane (3) Avascularity,but innervation: ---no blood vessels ---rich in nerve terminals
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1. General features: (1) small number of cells and large amount of extracellular ground substance (2) extracellular is composed of fibers and amorphous ground substance-matrix (3) all of them originate from mesenchyme￾embryonal CT (4) have functions of connection, supporting, protecting, nutrition, defence and repairing
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