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Britain and the World Britain's primary overseas interests lay in three areas: Europe The Empire or Commonwealth The special relationship with the USA
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Main Parties Conservative Party the Labour Party Labour the Liberal Demacrats LIBERAL DEMOCRATS
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A 1 What is \Work\? Work: regular paid employment .Work: paid employment at a job or trade, occupation, or profession Important- 1. material consequences of work 2. the individual cultural benefits of work Unemployment-having disastrous implications
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Leisurefreely- chosen activities pursued during non-working time, related to financial security provided by work Leisure-- free time during which somebody has no obligations or work responsibilities, and therefore is free to engage in enjoyable activities
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1 Introduction- Basic Principles of*** English Law What are the basic principles of English Law? Explain \The Rule of Law\. What is the Law that is higher than man-made law? What are the criteria? What kind of orders are soldiers expected to disobey? Give examples. Should the pilot who bombarded the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia be punished for the atrocity? Why or why not?
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A 1 The Family In modern Britain post WW2, the amount of the diverse families has grown due to changes over time Nuclear family 3 types *Lone-parent family Cohabiting couple
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Objectives In this chapter we will look at some general features of Britain and set the scene for the more detailed examination of particular aspects of life there which are dealt with in later chapters
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一、商业银行的产生与性质 (一)商业银行的产生 通过对古代的货币经营业的产生、发展来看,现代商业银行产生于货币兑换商
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本门课的教学目标和要求:本课程主要以北京大学张国庆教授的《现 代公共政策》教材为蓝本,吸收了国内外最新的研究动态和成果,总结了公共政 策教学中的实践经验进行编写制作。通过本课程的教学,应使学生比较全面系统 地掌握公共政策的基本理论、基本范畴、基本知识和基本方法,认识在现代社会 发展进程中公共政策的重要地位、公共政策与环境的关系、了解公共政策的规划、 制定和执行的过程等,开阔学生分析问题的思路,培养和提高学生分析问题和解 决问题的能力,以使学生能够较好地适应市场经济条件下政府公共政策实践的需 要,更好地服务于社会主义市场经济建设
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一、疾病产生的原因 二、缺陷基因致病 三、不断升级的军备竞赛 四、妥协的进化历程 五、传染病的体征和症状 六、早孕反应和肥胖症 七、衰老是青年期精力旺盛的代价 八、达尔文医学小结
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